Hanne Fjelde: Bibliography

42 publications

Paola Vesco et al. (2024)
The impacts of armed conflict on human development: A review of the literature

Journal article in World Development

Espen Geelmuyden Rød et al. (2022)
Et folkelig opprør kan bli Putins skjebne

Popular article in NRK Ytring

Marianne Dahl et al. (2022)
Sivilsamfunnet jobber i motbakke for å forsvare demokratiet

Popular article in Morgenbladet

Sirianne Dahlum et al. (2022)
The Dark Side of Mobilisation: Global Evidence on Authoritarian Protests

Conference paper

Annekatrin Deglow & Hanne Fjelde (2021)
The Quality of Government and Civil Conflict

Book chapter in Oxford University Press Handbook on the Quality of Government

Halvard Buhaug et al. (2021)
A Conditional Model of Local Income Shock and Civil Conflict

Journal article in Journal of Politics

Ida Rudolfsen (2021)
Fighting For Food? Investigating Food Insecurity as a Source of Urban Unrest

PhD thesis

Hanne Fjelde, Carl Henrik Knutsen & Håvard Mokleiv Nygård (2020)
Which institutions matter? Re-considering the democratic civil peace

Journal article in International Studies Quarterly

Håvard Mokleiv Nygård et al. (2019)
The Consequences of Contention: Understanding the Aftereffects of Political Conflict and Violence

Journal article in Annual Review of Political Science

Håvard Hegre et al. (2019)
ViEWS: A political Violence Early-Warning System

Journal article in Journal of Peace Research

Annekatrin Deglow & Hanne Fjelde (2019)
Democracy in the Shadow of Civil War: Insurgents, Elections and Public Attitudes towards Democracy in India

Conference paper

Deniz Cil et al. (2019)
Spreading the light or left in the dark? UN peacekeeping and its economic effects

Conference paper

Nina von Uexkull et al. (2016)
Civil conflict sensitivity to growing season drought

Journal article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Hanne Fjelde & Kristine Höglund (2016)
Electoral Institutions and Electoral Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa

Journal article in British Journal of Political Science

Hanne Fjelde (2015)
Farming or Fighting? Agricultural Price Shocks and Civil War in Africa

Journal article in World Development

Hanne Fjelde & Gudrun Østby (2014)
Socioeconomic Inequality and Communal Conflict: A Disaggregated Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa, 1990–2008

Journal article in International Interactions

Halvard Buhaug et al. (2014)
One effect to rule them all? A comment on climate and conflict

Journal article in Climatic Change

Hanne Fjelde & Håvard Hegre (2014)
Political Corruption and Institutional Stability

Journal article in Studies in Comparative International Development

Carl Henrik Knutsen & Hanne Fjelde (2013)
Property rights in dictatorships: kings protect property better than generals or party bosses

Journal article in Contemporary Politics

Christian Opitz, Hanne Fjelde & Kristine Höglund (2013)
Including peace: the influence of electoral management bodies on electoral violence

Journal article in Journal of Eastern African Studies

Ida Rudolfsen (2013)
State Capacity, Inequality and Inter-group Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa

Master thesis

Kristine Höglund & Hanne Fjelde (2013)
Fredslobotomi eller hållbar demokrati? Kenya framtid osäker trots fredliga val

Journal article in Internationella studier

Hanne Fjelde (2011)
Economic Inequality and Inter-group Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1990-2008

Conference paper

Hanne Fjelde & Håvard Hegre (2011)
Political Corruption and Institutional Stability

Working paper

Louise Olsson & Anna K. Jarstad (2011)
Local ownership of peace. Hobbes, Rousseau and international support for state-building in Afghanistan

Book chapter in Building peace, creating conflict? Conflictual dimensions of local and international peace-building

Indra de Soysa & Hanne Fjelde (2010)
Is the Hidden Hand an Iron Fist? Capitalism and Civil Peace, 1970–2005

Journal article in Journal of Peace Research

Hanne Fjelde (2010)
Generals, Dictators, and Kings: Authoritarian Regimes and Civil Conflict, 1973—2004

Journal article in Conflict Management and Peace Science

Hanne Fjelde & Gudrun Østby (2010)
Economic Inequality and Non-state Conflicts in Africa

Book chapter in

Hanne Fjelde & Gudrun Østby (2010)
Economic Inequality and Non-state Conflicts in Africa

Book chapter in

Hanne Fjelde & Lisa Hultman (2010)
Weakening Your Enemy: Constituencies and the Location of Violence Against Civilians in Africa

Conference paper

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