The last few months in Bosnia have been marked by moves towards secession and a flare-up ofethnic tensions emanating from Republika Srpska, the Serb-majority entity of Bosnia andHerzegovina established by the Dayton Peace Agreement which put an end to the 3 ½-year-longBosnian War. Commentators are describing the last few months as the worst political and securitycrisis since the war ended in 1995.
In this episode, we discuss the current crisis and ask if what we are seeing in Bosnia is new to thecountry or part of a longer trend. We also discuss what these past few months tell us about thesuccesses and shortcomings of formal peace agreements.
Political scientist and migration scholar Aida Ibričević and psychologist and peace scholar IngerSkjelsbæk join Teuta Kukleci, Communicator at PRIO, for a conversation on the topic.