November 2021 marks the fifth year of the 15-year implementation period of the Colombian peace accord. The ambitious accord aims to end violence, reduce poverty, and increase the well-being of the rural population through the establishment of 16 regions targeted for peace accord implementation (Programas de Desarrollo con Enfoque Territorial, PDETs). To succeed, peacebuilding in Colombia must bring tangible benefits to the people in the PDETs and ensure their continued support. This policy brief presents preliminary results from two survey waves of 12,000 respondents in the PDETs, examining whether the most conflict-affected populations think the implementation of the accord is achieving its aims.
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin (2021) People’s Perceptions of Peace Accord Implementation in Colombia: Comparing Attitudes among the Conflict-Affected Population, PRIO Policy Brief, 12. Oslo: PRIO.