This policy paper by the author Harry Tzimitras is the first of this series, and will provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary issues that the region experiences in the field of energy cooperation. The broader Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean have long been plagued by conflict, with historical disputes continuously compounded by new tensions. Unresolved issues create fertile ground for instability, as emerging threats—territorial conflicts, terrorism, energy security, and migration—further entrench divisions. At the same time, regional rivalries extend into the energy sector, hindering cooperation on critical global challenges and deepening geopolitical rifts. However, strengthening energy ties and fostering interdependence can shift dynamics from confrontation to collaboration. Where competition prevails, stagnation follows—but where there is a will, there is a way.
The Multinational Development Policy Dialogue of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Brussels publishes a series of policy papers authored by various energy and policy experts that cover the relevant and timely topic of energy cooperation in the broader Mediterranean region.