This article is published in Italian. Only the abstract is available in English. The city of Rotterdam has a peculiar feature in its multicultural landscape: the fifth largest ethnic minority group is from the distant archipelago of Cape Verde. More than 16,000 Cape Verdeans live in Rotterdam and its suburbs, making it the second largest Cape Verdean community in Europe. This article addresses certain aspects of the Dutch-Cape Verdean community’s transnational relations with the country of origin. After brief accounts of emigration from Cape Verde, the history of the Dutch–Cape Verdean community, and its role within the Cape Verdean diaspora, I will discuss transnationalism and kinship. This discussion seeks to promote the usefulness of combining demographic and ethnographic perspectives. I will then proceed to analyses of the role of culture (in several senses of the word), language, and remittances in the transnational relations. The differences between first generation migrants and their children will be a recurrent theme in the discussions.
Carling, Jørgen (2004) Transnazionalismo "olandese-capoverdiano". Denaro, culture e parentela [Dutch-Cape Verdean Transnationalism. Cash, Culture and Kinship], Afriche e Orienti 6: 186–202.