Women's Peace: Recommendations of the Gender Advisory Team (GAT) on the peace negotiations in Cyprus

Policy brief

Atli, Mine; Olga Demetriou; Umut Bozkurt; Maria Hadjipavlou; Biran Mertan; Yiouli Taki; Magda Zenon & Rana Zincir Celal (2012) Women's Peace: Recommendations of the Gender Advisory Team (GAT) on the peace negotiations in Cyprus, PRIO Cyprus Centre Policy Brief, 1. Nicosia: PRIO Cyprus Centre.

‘Neutrality’ or ‘objective terms’ in official documents, especially state documents, very often imply a male-centred approach which deprives women of the opportunity to voice their needs, views and perspectives on the content of such documents, be they a peace agreement or a new constitution. To remedy this, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security [UNSCR 1325 (2000)] calls upon member-states to include women’s perspectives and contributions to both the peace process and conflict resolution. Within this context, GAT has submitted the following recommendations, based on key principles of gender equality pertaining to four key areas discussed in the peace negotiations in Cyprus. These areas are governance and power-sharing, citizenship, property, and economy. The recommendations aim to ensure that women are effectively represented at the negotiation table and that the peace agreement which eventually emerges genuinely serves their interests.

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