Thursday, 10 Dec 2015 08:30–10:00 UTC+01
Lethal Autonomous Weapons: The Challenge of Accountability
Background:Technological advances in weaponry mean that decisions about the use of force on the battlefield could increasingly be taken by machines operating without human intervention.
Tuesday, 16 May 2017 13:00–14:30 UTC+02
Lethal Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War
Welcome to a discussion on the relationship between artificial intelligence, its likely uses in warfare, and how the technology could be controlled.
Journal Article
In Defense of (Virtuous) Autonomous Weapons
Journal article in Notre Dame Journal on Emerging Technologies
Conference Paper
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Autonomous Weapons-
Conference paper
Policy Brief
Norway’s Policy on Emerging Military Technologies: Widening the Debate on AI and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems
PRIO Policy Brief
Popular Article
Lethal Autonomous Weapons: Issues for the International Community
Popular article in Security & Defence Agenda
Popular Article
Lethal Autonomous Weapons: Killing the ‘Robots-don’t-Rape’ Argument
Popular article in IntLawGrrls
Friday, 16 May 2014
PRIO Researchers Contribute to Debate on Lethal Autonomous Weapons
Issues for the International Community
Security Dialogue
Can Videogames Shape Public Understandings of Weaponized Artificial Intelligence?
Image byLukasfromPixabay Millions of consumers play videogames like Call of Duty and Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon. The battlefields these series portray increasingly feature drones, tanks, and robots that select and engage targets on their own, thanks...
PRIO Blogs
American Democracy is in Danger, but Not Dead
Trump and his supporters are undermining American democracy, posing a real threat of democratic breakdown. The consequences would be dramatic, extending far beyond the United States. However, there is still a good chance that democracy, in the end...
PRIO Blogs
Contesting the AI-Cybersecurity Nexus: Lessons Learned from the United Kingdom
In an age where so-called artificial intelligence (AI) seems to revolutionise every corner of our lives, it’s no surprise that its intersection with cybersecurity has become a major focus for governments worldwide. Where cybersecurity and AI were ...
PRIO Blogs
How Colombia’s Disarmament Process Transformed Weapons Into Symbols of Peace
In 2016, the Colombian government and the guerrilla group FARC-EP ended their five decade-long war. As part of the peace agreement, FARC-EP’s weapons had to be collected, a process known as disarmament. By 2017, UN observers had received and remov...
PRIO Blogs
Moscow Seeks to Regain Initiative in the Game of Peace Talks
Jubilation in Moscow after the phone conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump on February 12 has given way to contemplations of the consequences and even to confusion caused by the barrage of statements...
Security Dialogue
Poison: The politics behind pesticides and chemical weapons
Compounds labelled as chemical weapons and pesticides share common active chemical ingredients, which function as nerve agents to humans and insects whether they are considered a form of warfare or a farming staple. Lice: Image from Pixabay Why ar...
Tuesday, 28 Jan 2025
PRIO Director's 2025 Nobel Peace Prize List
The Director of PRIO, Henrik Urdal, announced his list today for the 2025 Nobel Peace Prize, with Sudan's Emergency Response Rooms topping the list.
PRIO Blogs
Conversations on Ending the War in Ukraine Grow Louder and Emptier
The first week of the “Golden Age” of U.S. policy announced by President Donald Trump registered a stream of messages from the White House on the need to bring the war in Ukraine to an end (White House, January 20). The Kremlin duly responded with...
PRIO Blogs
We Need to Talk About Children Born of War
Every day, children are born in war and armed conflict, in Ukraine, on the Gaza Strip, in South Sudan, in Myanmar and elsewhere. Some of these children might have parents who are enemies, that is, parents who are on opposite sides of the conflict....
Monday, 9 Dec 2024
PRIO secures funding for four new innovative projects
PRIO has successfully secured funding for four new projects to support research addressing today’s critical societal challenges, including two focused on Norwegian security and defence.
Journal Article
A theory of the symbolic role of disarmament during peace processes: The laying down of FARC-EP’s weapons in Colombia
Journal article in Security Dialogue
Popular Article
How Colombia’s disarmament process transformed weapons into symbols of peace
Popular article in The Conversation
PRIO Blogs
Escalation Management: Putin-style, Ukraine-challenged, and NATO-pursued
Russian missile strike on the sprawling industrial complex in Dnipro on November 21 produced far more strategic resonance than material damage – and has reopened hard questions about the constant mutation of the long Russia-Ukraine war and the met...
PRIO Blogs
Putin’s ‘Three Escalations’ Affect Prospect of Peace in Ukraine
Russia’s strategy in executing its aggressive war against Ukraine, passing the 1,000-day mark last week, puts the country’s economy, society, and armed forces under enormous pressure that Moscow’s militaristic propaganda cannot quite cover. As Rus...
PRIO Blogs
Protection of Civilians in Crisis: Geneva Conventions at 75
With the devastating news from Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan among other wars, we witness a crisis of the international regime for protecting civilians in armed conflict. However, this is not a total collapse but a return to the troubling world that the...
PRIO Blogs
Making Women Combatants Visible: Steps Towards Gender-Responsive Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration
In October the Security Council met for its annual Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Open Debate under the theme of “Women Building Peace in a Changing Environment.” Despite the WPS agenda’s goals for including women in all aspects of security and ...
PRIO Blogs
Putin and Kim Look for Opportunities Amid US Elections Turmoil
The US presidential election, which has been dominating the global news, will come to its natural culmination on November 5, even if the outcome remains uncertain for many more days. Even in Russia, where war and inflation are major concerns, offi...
Wednesday, 30 Oct 2024
PRIO AI Days Unites Experts to Shape Technology's Role in Global Peace
For a second year, PRIO AI Days took place earlier this month to explore the transformative role of artificial intelligence in global peace and security.
PRIO Blogs
The Zelensky 'Victory Plan' That Evaporated
Is the Ukrainian president weakened? Sir Michael Howard, one of the most renowned war historians of all time, often pointed out that wars were lost or won as a result of events that took place far from the front lines. The past weeks have powerful...
Friday, 11 Oct 2024
Statement on Nobel Peace Prize Announcement by PRIO Director Henrik Urdal
“Today’s Nobel Peace Prize award to Nihon Hidankyo comes at a crucial time when countries are modernizing their nuclear arsenals, and threats of use by traditional and emerging nuclear powers are alarmingly on the rise."
PRIO Blogs
Unwinnable Wars, Risks of Escalation, and the Nuclear Taboo
The announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize on October 11 coincided with a dangerous phase in two long wars — Israel’s war against Hamas and Hezbollah and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine — that are both poised for escalation. This ...
Popular Article
Putin's nuclear blackmail goes doctrinal
Popular article in Eurasia Daily Monitor