Wednesday, 26 Feb 2025
Moving and Staying: the Path to Middle Class Life in Asia
A Filipino nurse with family in Manila, three intertwined lives in Mumbai, a ‘self-made’ man in Karachi and the journey of a woman in Hanoi. Through four animations, the MigrationRhythms project explores how migration shapes social mobility across...
PRIO Blogs
Moscow Changes War Rhetoric but Stays War Course
The whirlwind of U.S.-initiated diplomatic activity in the last two weeks has compelled the Kremlin to alter the tone of its messaging on confrontation with the West and even the substance of its far-reaching propaganda campaign. The cliché of “An...
Popular Article
Trump's logic of deal-making versus Putin's logic of war-making
Popular article in Panorama UIK
PRIO Blogs
Trump’s Logic of Deal-Making Versus Putin’s Logic of War-Making
As the Ukraine War approaches the grim mark of three years, it appears both ripe for an armistice and impossible to bring to an end. For US President Donald Trump, this war is a senseless waste of people and resources, which should be stopped imme...
Tuesday, 28 Jan 2025
PRIO Director's 2025 Nobel Peace Prize List
The Director of PRIO, Henrik Urdal, announced his list today for the 2025 Nobel Peace Prize, with Sudan's Emergency Response Rooms topping the list.
Wednesday, 5 Feb 2025
Nina Græger Appointed as New Director of PRIO
PRIO is pleased to announce the appointment of Nina Græger as its next Director, effective 1 July 2025.
Security Dialogue
Migrant deaths in the name of law
Image byJim BlackfromPixabay In international political sociology, a variety of scholars following Agamben and the so-called state of exception emphasize the routes of violence against migrants in the light of their privation of rights or “suspend...
Popular Article
Putin's anniversaries mark dangerous degradation of his regime
Popular article in Eurasia Daily Monitor
PRIO Blogs
Moscow Sticks to Peace Denials Despite War Exhaustion
The Russian offensive in Donbas has slowed in the last few weeks to a crawl, and in the Kursk oblast, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order to expel the Ukrainian forces remains unfulfilled. This deadlock, in which both sides suffer heavy casua...
Popular Article
Moscow sticks to peace denials despite war exhaustion
Popular article in Eurasia Daily Monitor
PRIO Blogs
The International Criminal Court at Risk of Collapse
As many are by now acutely aware, the International Criminal Court (ICC) relies on state cooperation to investigate and arrest individuals charged with international crimes. This is not new. What is new is the seriousness, complexity, and extent o...
PRIO Blogs
Greenland Is Not for Sale
President Donald Trump has provoked strong reactions with his proposition to buy Greenland, not the least because the right to self-determination is a fundamental principle in international law, allowing peoples to freely determine their political...
Book Review
War in Ukraine: Conflict, Strategy, and the Return of a Fractured World
Book review in JPR Book Notes
PRIO Blogs
Russian Counter-Offensive in the International Arena Has Lost Momentum
One of the key goals for 2024 that President Vladimir Putin had apparently set at the end of the second year of the Ukraine war was to execute a sustained foreign policy counter-offensive to reduce Russia’s international isolation to irrelevance. ...
Book Chapter
A methodologically oriented interrogation of connections between migration and social mobility in South Asia
Book chapter in South Asia Migration Report 2024: Remittances, Resilience and Rehabilitation
Book Chapter
Migration drivers across time and space: selected examples
Book chapter in From Uncertainty to Policy: A Guide to Migration Scenarios
PRIO Blogs
Escalation Management: Putin-style, Ukraine-challenged, and NATO-pursued
Russian missile strike on the sprawling industrial complex in Dnipro on November 21 produced far more strategic resonance than material damage – and has reopened hard questions about the constant mutation of the long Russia-Ukraine war and the met...
PRIO Blogs
An Untested Refugee Theory
From late January 2025, the Israeli ban on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) will come into effect. What does this mean for the rights of the Palestinian refugees, and who will then take responsibility for h...
PRIO Blogs
We Need to Talk About Children Born of War
Every day, children are born in war and armed conflict, in Ukraine, on the Gaza Strip, in South Sudan, in Myanmar and elsewhere. Some of these children might have parents who are enemies, that is, parents who are on opposite sides of the conflict....
PRIO Blogs
Putin’s ‘Three Escalations’ Affect Prospect of Peace in Ukraine
Russia’s strategy in executing its aggressive war against Ukraine, passing the 1,000-day mark last week, puts the country’s economy, society, and armed forces under enormous pressure that Moscow’s militaristic propaganda cannot quite cover. As Rus...
PRIO Blogs
Protection of Civilians in Crisis: Geneva Conventions at 75
With the devastating news from Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan among other wars, we witness a crisis of the international regime for protecting civilians in armed conflict. However, this is not a total collapse but a return to the troubling world that the...
PRIO Blogs
Making Women Combatants Visible: Steps Towards Gender-Responsive Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration
In October the Security Council met for its annual Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Open Debate under the theme of “Women Building Peace in a Changing Environment.” Despite the WPS agenda’s goals for including women in all aspects of security and ...
PRIO Blogs
Authorship and Involuntary Attribution: How and Why Should We Contest AI Manipulation?
Technology is radically changing the work and role of scholars and the function of academic publishing. Fake and fabricated content (data, facts, arguments, claims, conclusions) undermines the foundations of knowledge in a democratic society. Faki...
PRIO Blogs
Perplexed Vladimir Putin Reckons With Outcome of US Elections
The Kremlin had confidently expected confusion and turmoil following the US presidential election. Instead, a definite outcome and the commitment to a smooth transition of power are set to shape the US political environment for the next couple of ...
PRIO Paper
Middle Classes, Moving and Staying in Karachi
PRIO Paper
PRIO Paper
Middle Classes, Moving and Staying in Mumbai
PRIO Paper
PRIO Blogs
Putin and Kim Look for Opportunities Amid US Elections Turmoil
The US presidential election, which has been dominating the global news, will come to its natural culmination on November 5, even if the outcome remains uncertain for many more days. Even in Russia, where war and inflation are major concerns, offi...
Book Chapter
Implementing collaborative qualitative data collection
Book chapter in Handbook of Research Methods in Migration
Book Chapter
Mixed methods: bridging the qualitative–quantitative divide in migration research
Book chapter in How to Do Migration Research
Popular Article
Hva er veien videre for lokalt ledet respons? Et svar til utviklingsministeren
Popular article in Panorama