PRIO Blogs
Putin and Kim Look for Opportunities Amid US Elections Turmoil
The US presidential election, which has been dominating the global news, will come to its natural culmination on November 5, even if the outcome remains uncertain for many more days. Even in Russia, where war and inflation are major concerns, offi...
Journal Article
The Terek Cossacks: A Loose Cannon in the North Caucasus
Journal article in War Report
PRIO Blogs
Without Clear Goals in Ukraine, All Nations Are “Fighting with the Last War” and That’s a Big Problem.
Initial Western support for Ukraine in the face of murderous Russian aggression was strong and unified. With Putin’s ambitions to capture Kyiv in shambles, Ukraine’s survival has been assured, but the war drags on. The Ukrainian government has set...
PRIO Blogs
Putin's Blood Trail from Syria to the Ukraine: Western Failures in the Face of Power-Play, Propaganda and De-humanization
One of the tragic side-effects of the war in Ukraine is that at long last – and unfortunately only now – the last person in the West may have come to understand what really happened in Syria, especially after Russian intervention. This...
PRIO Blogs
Context matters – Why Africa should tailor its own measures to fight COVID-19
This piece is part of our blog series Beyond the COVID Curve. COVID-19 has quickly changed everything from our daily routines, to the policies of governments, to the fortunes of the global economy. How will it continue to shape society and the con...
Security Dialogue
Book Review: Digital Punishment: Privacy, Stigma and the Harms of Data-Driven Criminal Justice
Sarah Esther Lageson. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020 pp. vii-242. $34.95 cloth. ISBN 9780190872007 Critical studies of security have long examined the role of information technology, databases, dataveillance and predictive risk technologies ...