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"Victims of sexual violence bear the cost of the harm they suffered with dramatic physical, psychological and material consequences which destroy not only their lives but often also the lives of their children. This creates irreparable damage to the very fabric of societies and in turn poses serious threats to the prospects of reconciliation and sustainable peace and development." Navi Pillay, Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Welcome to a breakfast meeting with a presentation of the training manual: “Mental health and gender-based violence - Helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict”
The training manual is developed by Health and Human Rights Info (HHRI) for helpers who assist and support to women exposed to gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual trauma during armed conflicts and other emergency situations, where access to mental health professionals may be limited. The manual and its applicability will be presented.
8.30 Welcome - The general picture of Gender Based Violence in War and Conflict (Inger Skjelsbæk, PRIO)
8.40 GBV in emergency situations (Vibeke Risa, NRC)
8.50 Introduction of the Training Manual “Mental health and gender-based violence Helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict” (Nora Sveaass, HHRI, UiO)
9.15 The butterfly woman: using metaphors when working with GBV survivors. (Annika With, Modum Bad)
9.30 - 10.00 Discussion, Q&A and closing comments
- Vibeke Risa - Head of the Thematic Unit in Field Operations, Norwegian Refugee Council, working among others on gender-based violence. Before this she was NRC’s Gender Adviser working on mainstreaming gender into NRC’s programmes.
- Inger Skjelsbæk - Deputy Director at PRIO, and Associate Professor in Psychology and research specialist on sexual violence in times of war.
- Nora Sveaass - Clinical psychologist and Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, and chair of Health and Human Rights Info. Until 2013 a member of the UN Committee against Torture. Worked for many years with survivors of trauma and forced migration. Currently she is directing a research project on transitional justice.
- Annika With – Actress, artistic and expressive therapist with postgraduate studies in sensorimotor psychotherapy, and eye movement desensitisation reprocessing (EMDR). She is coauthor of the manual and gives counselling to trauma patients at the Modum Bad Clinic, Oslo.