Research Professor at the PRIO Center on Gender, Peace and Security. Leader of the EuroWARCHILD project.
Research Professor at the PRIO Center on Gender, Peace and Security. Leader of the EuroWARCHILD project.
Languages spoken:
English, French and German
Working experience:
2021-2024: Director Centre for Gender Studies, UiO
2019- : Professor Gender Studies UiO
2016- : Member of the Leadership Group, CREX, UiO
2015-2019: Associate Professor in Psychology, UiO
2015-: Research Professor at PRIO
2009-2015 : Deputy Director at PRIO
Aug 2013 - Feb 2014: Research Director, Dimensions of Security Department, PRIO
2011/2012 (summers): Visiting scholar at the Human Rights Center, University of California Berkeley
2008-2009: Programme Leader of the Ethics, Norms and Identities programme at PRIO
2002-2003: Guest Researcher and Fulbright Scholar at the Institute of Slavic, Eurasian and Eastern European Studies (ISEEES) at the University of California, Berkeley, USA
1996- : Researcher at PRIO
Associate editor of International Feminist Journal of Politics since July 2011
2007 Dr. Polit. Degree at the Institute for Psychology, University of Trondheim (NTNU). The title of the Ph.D. dissertation is "Sexual Violence In Time of War: Sexuality, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity in the War in Bosnia-Herzegovina". 1996, Cand. Polit. Degree from the University of Trondheim (NTNU) with a Master’s degree in psychology. The title of the Master’s dissertation was "Women and War: A Qualitative Study of the Construction of Femininity in the Wars in the Former Yugoslavia, El Salvador and Vietnam".1993, Cand. Mag. Degree from the University of Oslo with the following subjects: English language and literature, French language and literature, Psychology and Social science statistics.
Conference paper
Conference paper
Book review in Global Responsibility to Protect
Conference paper
Conference paper
Journal article in Internasjonal Politikk
Journal article in Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Master thesis
Book chapter in Gender Equality and Nation Branding in the Nordic Region
PRIO Research Professor Inger Skjelsbæk has been nominated for the prestigious Norwegian book award ‘Brageprisen 2024’ for her non-fiction book Sarajevos roser. Krigen i Bosnia og dens etterliv [Sarajevo Rose: The war in Bosnia and its aftermath].
What is the legacy of Rwanda and other atrocity crimes, and how are sexual and gender-based crimes addressed in today’s conflicts? The public was invited to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda genocide.
On 29-31 May, the GPS Centre, in collaboration with the NORHED II project, hosted doctoral candidates from all over the world at the PhD-level course "Gender, Peace and Conflict".
PRIO invites applications for this course on Gender, Peace and Conflict which will be taught in person in Oslo in May 2024. The application deadline is 15 March.
Ine Eriksen Søreide’s tenure as Norway’s Foreign Minister between 2017 and 2021 was reviewed by PRIO researchers Torunn L.
PRIO GPS Centre Research Professor Inger Skjelsbæk and UiO Research Fellow Johanne Rokke Elvebakken have published an op.
Inger Skjelsbæk will receive the Ingrid Aune memorial prize 2022 for her research on conflict-related sexual violence.
On 1 June, the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security, and the University of Oslo's Centre for Gender Research (STK) hosted the launch of the EuroWARCHILD project.
Doctoral candidates from all over the world attended PRIO's PhD-level course on Gender, Peace and Conflict.
The new open accessbook Livesin Peace Research: The Oslo Stories explains how PRIO, the world'soldest independent peace research institute, was founded and how it survivedthrough crises.
PRIO researcher Inger Skjelsbæk was interviewed about her EuroWARCHILD project in an article about Norway’s war children, by the Norwegian research magazine
In an epiosde of the Terribly and Terrifyingly Normal podcast, entitled 'Masculinity and Femininity in Wartime', PRIO Research Professor Inger Skjelsbæk was interviewed on the topic of masculinity, femininity and their roles in mass violence – including wartime sexual violence.
PRIO Research Professor Inger Skjelsbæk was interviewed on conflict-related sexual violence in relation to the war in Ukraine in a podcast epiosde produced by journalist Daria Zakharova-FL for Radio Free Europe Russia.
PRIO Researcher Inger Skjelsbæk was quoted in an article on the possible use of rape as a weapon of war by Hamas, in the Norwegian newspaper Vårt Land.
PRIO Researcher Inger Skjelsbæk’s quote that ‘peace is more than the absence of war’ was mentioned in an article about the Israel-Palestine crisis, by the website News Diary Online.
PRIO Researcher Inger Skjelsbæk was mentioned as being a 2022 recipient of the Ingrid Aune commemoration award, by the Norwegian radio station, Radio Haugaland. Fagbladet, Samtiden and Head Topics.
PRIO Researcher Inger Skjelsbæk was mentioned in an article on post-soviet countries reflecting on Russia’s role in their histories on the news site, Global Voices.
PRIO Researcher Inger Skjelsbæk was quoted in an interview about Norway’s former foreign Minister, by the Canadian news site, G-Lab.
PRIO Researcher Inger Skjelsbæk co-authored an opinion piece on conflict-related sexual violence in relation to the war in Ukraine that was published by Aftenposten, and PRIO Blogs.
PRIO started listing media appearances on profiles in 2023. Earlier media appearances may not be listed.