The citizen’s role has occupied political theorists from different philosophical and religious traditions. Debates on citizenship in Europe are increasingly thought of in terms of civic virtue and how to be a good citizen. Yet the concept of the good citizen is heavily contested.
- Which tensions and contestations arise in debates on what it means to participate as an active citizen in society?
- How do lived experiences of citizens today challenge existing models of democracy?
- To what extent do these experiences contrast with official policies and public discourse, and in what ways are experiences and discourse affecting one another?
At this academic workshop we aim to debate these and other questions that brings together scholars with a wide background of disciplines, methodological approaches, geographical interests and thematic expertise.
The workshop is organized in conjunction with the research project Active Citizenship in Culturally and Religiously Diverse Societies (ACT), which is funded by the Research Council of Norway. Conveners are the ACT research team.
The workshop will not be open to the public.
Wednesday 7 June 2017
08:30–09:00 Coffee and Registration Workshop opening Chair: Cindy Horst
09:00–10:00 Welcome, practical information, ACT project presentation and round of introductions
Session I: Democracy and the Active Citizen Chair: Per Mouritsen
10:00–10:40 Kjersti Fjørtoft, University of Tromsø
What is Good, Democratic Citizenship?
Discussant: Thomas Boje
10:40-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:40 Carmen Geha, American University of Beirut
Formal and Informal Pedagogies of Active Citizenship: Lessons Learnt from the Middle East, Gulf and North Africa
Discussant: Cindy Horst
11:40–12:20 Maria-Fernanda Gonzalez Rojas, University of Tromsø
The Identity of a Good Citizen in Scenarios of Crisis: Some reflections on the case of Mexico
Discussant: Marta Bivand Erdal
12:20–13:20 Lunch
Session II: Drivers of Civic Engagement Chair: Marta Bivand Erdal
13:20–14:00 Cindy Horst (Peace Research Institute Oslo) and Odin Lysaker (Agder University)
Miracles in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt and Refugees as Political Subjects
Discussant: Constanza Vera-Larrucea
14:00–14:40 Tore Vincents Olsen, Aarhus University
Muslim’s Views on Homosexuality in Danish Public Debate
Discussant: Margaretha van Es
14:40-15:20 Noor Jdid, Peace Research Institute Oslo
Exclusion as a Driver to take Responsibility
Discussant: Kjersti Fjørtoft
15:20-16:20 Discussion
Dinner: TBA
Thursday 8 June 2017
Session III: Citizenship and Belonging Chair: Cindy Horst
08:15-08.30 Coffee
08:30-09:10 Thomas Boje, University of Roskilde
Inclusive Act of Citizenship: Framing the Condition for Good Citizens
Discussant: Noor Jdid
09:10-09:50 Margaretha van Es, Utrecht University
Muslims Condemning Violent Extremism: The Promise of the Social Contract and the Need to be a «Good Citizen»
Discussant: Jonas Jacobsen
09:50-10:30 Elin Doeland and Ebba Tellander, Peace Research Institute Oslo
Everyday Stories of Home: Why Citizenship Matters
Discussant: Per Mouritsen
10:30–10:50 Coffee Break
Session IV: Spatialisations of Citizenship 1 Chair: Jonas Jakobsen
10:50–11:30 Camilla Marucco, University of Turku
Women with a Somali background in Turku, Finland: Everyday Spaces, Ideas and Practices of Citizenship
Discussant: Britt Lynnebakke
11:30–12:10 Marta Bivand Erdal, Peace Research Institute Oslo
Migration and Multiscalar Lived Citizenship: Theorising the interactions of migrant transnationalism and Integration
Discussant: Martijn Koster
12:10–13:10 Lunch
Session IV: Spatialisations of Citizenship 2 Chair: Tore Vincents Olsen
13:10-13:50 Britt Lynnebakke, Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research and Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
The Art of Socialising: Social Integration and Associational Participation in a Rural Norwegian Place
Discussant: Maria-Fernanda Gonzalez Rojas
13:50-14:30 Constanza Vera-Larrucea, Stockholm University
Can External Citizens be Good Citizens? Dual Citizens in Sweden about their «Second» Belonging
Discussant: Tore Vincents Olsen
14:30-15:30 Discussion
Dinner: TBA
Friday 9 June 2017
08:30–09:00 Coffee
Session V: Contesting the Good Citizen Chair: Noor Jdid
09:00–09:40 Jonas Jakobsen, University of Tromsø, and Per Mouritsen, Aarhus University
Civic Integration as Civic (mis)recognition: Potentials and Problems in Honneth’s political philosophy
Discussant: Odin Lysaker
09.40–10:20 Martijn Koster, Radboud University
Mediating citizenship: Political brokerage in Brazil and the Netherlands
Discussant: Carmen Geha
10.20–11:00 Cindy Horst and Marta Bivand Erdal, Peace Research Institute Oslo
«The Model Active Citizen»: Asserting and Contesting Perceived Norms of Participation, Commitment and Belonging in Oslo
Discussant: Camilla Marucco
11:00–12:00 Discussion
12:00–13:00 Lunch