The Centre for Global Health and the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo, with the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and the German partners Cologne Business School and GESIS- Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, are pleased to invite you to take part in a participatory workshop focusing on increasing the awareness of Children Born of War and their immediate and long-term health care needs.
CBOW are defined as children born as a result of armed conflicts where a local civilian woman is the mother and the father a person directly participating in hostilities, e.g. foreign soldier, para-military officer or rebel or member of a peacekeeping troop. Research evidence indicates that these children are exposed to several interrelated challenges in their life development due to their biological origin and herewith connected discrimination.
Please follow this link for full programme and more information.
UiO Centre for Global Health, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Cologne Business School, GESIS- Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences , UiO Dep. of Psychology and UiO Life Science (Co-sponsor)