In contemporary political mythology Norden is both a region of peace – a quintessential Deutschian ‘no-war’ security community of social cohesion and societal resilience – and a region for peace – as active proponents of multilateral peace support, humanitarian and development aid and a rules-based international order.
Peace has often been portrayed as a Nordic export and competitive edge, with this no less evident than in how the region is often described as possessing unique expertise in conflict resolution and where Nordic peace has been cultivated as a global brand – most evident in the annual awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
This conference is a collaboration with the University of Oslo, Tampere Peace Research Institute, and Nordic Branding. It aims to examine ideas about Nordic peace in the twenty-first century through the lenses of history, theory, identity, and foreign policy.
This conference is invitation only. To register for the open keynote, click here.
March 18
10:00 – 10:30 Keynote - Peter Wallensteen, Professor, Uppsala University Moderators: Torunn Tryggestad (PRIO) and Malcolm Langford (UiO)
10:30 – 12:00 Panel discussion
Moderators: Torunn Tryggestad (PRIO) and Malcolm Langford (UiO)
Kai Eide, Former diplomat, Norway
Peter Wallensteen, Professor, Uppsala University
Ingebjörg Gissladottir, Director, ODIHR (OSCE)
Pertti Joenniemi, Senior researcher, University of Copenhagen
Pernille Kardel, Diplomat, Denmark
Open portion ends.
12:00 – 12:45 Lunsj
12:45-13:00 Welcome
Christopher Browning and Marko Lehti
13:00 – 14:45 Panel 1 – Historicizing Nordic Peace Moderator: Torunn Tryggestad
The Lutheran heritage and political developments in the Nordic community, Hans Morten Haugan, Professor, VID Oslo
Revisiting the early Nordic Peace Movement: Fredrik Bajer and the Pan-Scandinavian Origins of 'Nordic Peace', Frederik Forrai Ørskov, PhD fellow, University of Helsinki
End of Nordic Peace, Johan Strang, Professor, University of Helsinki
14:45 – 15:00 Coffee
15:00 – 16:45 Panel 2 – Nordic peace identities and brand(s) Moderator: Inger Skjelsbæk
Mapping Nordic Cooperation and the potential of the “Nordic peace brand”, Isabel Bramsen and Anine Hagemann, Postdoc and PhD fellow University of Copenhagen
Nordic Peace between geopolitics and status, Kristin Kamøy, Griffith’s Asia Institute
A Community of the Like-Minded or Geopolitics of Small States? Development as Peace in the Nordic Commitment to NIEO in the 1970s and Agenda 2030 in the 2010s, Carl Marklund, Postdoc, Södertörn University
Finnish Commitments to a Post-Cold War CSCE and a New Russia, Bradley Reynolds, PhD fellow, University of Helsinki
18:30 Conference dinner for participants at Südøst
March 19
09:00 – 10:30 Panel 3 Theorizing Nordic Peace Moderator: Marko Lehti
Stuck in the middle with you, Benjamin de Carvalho and Hallvard Leira, Senior researchers NUPI
Are we a happy family? A sociology of Norden, Thiago Babo, PhD Fellow, Unviersity of São Paulo
Nordic identity without Nordic Peace? Ontological security in the 21st century, Matilda Af Hallstrom, PhD Fellow, University of Helsinki
Fantasy, Ontological Security and the Stickiness of the Nordic Peace Brand, Christopher Browning, Professor, University of Warwick
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee
10:45 – 12:15 Panel 4 - Nordic Peace as model for others Moderator: Malcolm Langford
Exporting Nordic Peace: Can the Nordic Model Operate in the Postsocialist EU? Robert Imre, Researcher, University of Tampere
‘‘Sae come aa ye at hame wi’ Freedom’: Imagining Scotland’s future role and relationship with a Nordic-style peacebuilding’, Struan Kennedy
Time’s arrow: Adaptation in the Norwegian peace and its discursive mechamism, Javier Fabra-Mata, Norwegian Church Aid
12:15 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:30 Panel 5 – Nordic peace-making/peace policies Moderator: Christopher Browning
The Birth of Nordic Peacekeeping: Can It Withstand Closer Scrutiny?, Martin Ottovay Jørgensen, Assistant Professor, Aalborg University
Norway’s Peace Engagement: What’s Gender Got to Do with It? Torunn Tryggestad and Inger Skjelsbæk, Deputy Director and Research Professor PRIO
Exploring the Nordic Way: Cooperative Interaction between Official and Private Peacemakers, Marko Lehti, Professor, TAPRI
14:30 – 14:45 Coffee
14:45 – 15:30 Way forward