As part of the project Active Citizenship in Cultural and Religiously Diverse Societies, the Active Citizenship Today conference is held at the University of Tromsø.
The conference, hosted by UiT and PRIO with funding from the Research Council of Norway, is held mid-way through the ACT project and draws on renowned internatonal scholars of political theory, philosophy, anthropology and geography, among others. The aim – to shed more light on active citizenship in diverse societies. The conference will also see ACT presentations of our ongoing work and interaction with other relevant ongoing research on related topics.
Following a call for papers and a competitive process, discussions during the two days in Tromsø will focus on conceptualisations and lived experiences of active citizenship, and discourses, conditions and contestations on active citizenship today.
PRIO researchers Cindy Horst, Marta Bivand Erdal, and Noor Jdid represent PRIO at the conference. Full programme and more information about the conference on Universitetet i Tromsø's homepage or the official event page.