On 27-28 September 2018, the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University and PRIO co-hosted a joint Workshop on Climate Change and Security in Uppsala. The workshop brought together an international group of twenty scholars and experts to discuss ongoing and emergent research on a variety of topics related to climate change and security. The discussions highlighted a variety of topics including the consequences of resource scarcity, extreme weather events, food price shocks, land use competition, demographic pressure, and environmental migration. The program included presentations on 14 projects as well as a public keynote lecture by Professor W. Neil Adger on sustainable urbanization.
The workshop was co-organized by Nina von Uexkull and Halvard Buhaug and sponsored by the PRIO-based research project Climate Variability andSecurity Threats (CLIMSEC), funded by the European Research Council, and the Uppsala-based project on ClimateChange, Food Insecurity and Violent Conflict, funded by the Swedish Research Council, SIDA, and FORMAS.