Arendalsuka concluded on Friday and PRIO Director Henrik Urdal sums up PRIO's contributions.
"I am very pleased with the Peace Research Institute Oslo contributions to Arendalsuka 2022," says Urdal. "On a scene with a predominately national focus, our ambition has been to raise important international debates."
PRIO organized three panels and contributed to another six, covering topics such as the consequences of the war in Ukraine for global food insecurity and for the workings of the UN Security Council; global migration concerns; US developments; Putin and Xi; and emerging technologies for war and peace. All are issues that PRIO researchers grapple with on a daily basis, and which we will continue to research and debate.
Next year's edition of Arendalsuka will be held from 14 to 18 August.
Putin og Xi: To alen av samme stykke?

Panel discussion on Putin and Xi. From left: Pavel Baev (PRIO), Ilaria Carrozza (PRIO), Sun Heidi Sæbø (Morgenbladet). Photo: PRIO / Vera Lind Hansen.
Forces for Good and Bad: Emerging Technologies and the Future of Humankind

Panel dicussion on emerging technologies and their impact on our society. From left: Henrik Syse (PRIO), Bruno Oliveira Martins (PRIO), Ilaria Carrozza (PRIO), Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert (PRIO). Photo: PRIO / Vera Lind Hansen