- Demography and political violence
- Climate change, environmental change and armed conflict
- The politics of census-taking
- Demographic consequences of armed conflict
Popular article in Aftenposten
Journal article in Development Policy Review
Book chapter in What Do We Know about Civil Wars? Second edition
Journal article in Journal of Peace Research
Book chapter in Lives in Peace Research: The Oslo Stories
Book chapter in Lives in Peace Research: The Oslo Stories
Popular article in Monkey Cage at The Washington Post
Journal article in Political Geography
Journal article in Internasjonal politikk
Journal article in Population and Development Review
On 4 March, PRIO hosted a roundtable on Chinese perspectives on global issues during the official visit of a Chinese delegation led by Vice Minister LU Kang (IDCPC). Scholars in Oslo joined to discuss China-Norway relations, geopolitics, and multilateralism.
After the Taliban’s return, Afghan women face severe restrictions but remain vital in society, especially in the healthcare sector. As the humanitarian crisis deepens, experts discuss concrete steps to support women’s rights and healthcare access.
The Director of PRIO, Henrik Urdal, announced his list today for the 2025 Nobel Peace Prize, with Sudan's Emergency Response Rooms topping the list.
PRIO has successfully secured funding for four new projects to support research addressing today’s critical societal challenges, including two focused on Norwegian security and defence.
PRIO hosted the 15th Annual Peace Address on 12 November, focusing on a pressing global concern: the state of democracy and the vital role of civil society in its preservation and renewal.
For a second year, PRIO AI Days took place earlier this month to explore the transformative role of artificial intelligence in global peace and security.
“Today’s Nobel Peace Prize award to Nihon Hidankyo comes at a crucial time when countries are modernizing their nuclear arsenals, and threats of use by traditional and emerging nuclear powers are alarmingly on the rise."
The Director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Henrik Urdal, announced his updated list for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize today, with election observers topping the list.
The Research Council of Norway announced new research funding this week under its Democracy and Global Development panel. PRIO was successful in securing funding for three exciting new research projects.
In a survey carried out for the Peace Research Institute Oslo, 41 per cent of people questioned in Norway believe it is likely that a new world war will break out within 10 years. Just as alarming, 55 per cent anticipate a new armed conflict in Europe.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was featured in a key portrait interview timed to coincide with the Nobel Peace Prize announcement, by the Norwegian newspaper Dagens Næringsliv.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed about who the Nobel Peace Prize might be awarded to, by Reuters news agency.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was quoted in articles about the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, by the New York Times and Washington Post.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal co-authored an op-ed on if the publishing sector should be de-commercialised, for the Norwegian publication Forskerforum.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal wrote an opinion piece about the Nobel Peace Prize and conflict in the world, that was published by the Norwegian newspaper, Aftenposten.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed about the Nobel Peace Prize laureate by Al Jazeera.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed about the Nobel Peace Prize laureate by CNN. Henrik Urdal was interviewed by multiple media outlets in the run up to, and after, the Nobel announcement, including by CNN.
Henrik Urdal's 2024 Nobel Shortlist was circulated to Norwegian and international media, with several media outlets covering the list, including the Norwegian aid magazine Panorama, The Jerusalem Post, The New Arab, Democratic Underground, Radio Haugaland and the Israeli newspaper, Maariv
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed about Oslo being a city of peace, by the German public broadcaster, Deutschlandfunk.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was mentioned in an article about an Afghan human rights activist he listed on his Nobel Peace Prize Shortlist, by the website Infonavweb.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was quoted in an article by Khrono asking industry leaders what their wishes were for the new year.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal co-authored an opinion piece on the publication indicator, for the Norwegian research publication, Khrono.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed by NTB on the history of the Nobel Peace Prize. He was also interviewed the weekend of the award ceremony, by NRK’s Helgemorgen on radio and on TV (watch at 1:01:30). Henrik was also interviewed by NRK TV separately (watch at 56 mins).
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed by the Norwegian news wire, NTB, about the history of the Nobel Peace Prize.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed by Swiss Radio on PRIO’s Survey on Norwegian attitudes to war.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal co-authored an opinion piece for the Norwegian newspaper, Klassekampen, on whether Iran needed another peace prize, after being awarded an earlier one twenty years ago.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed about his Nobel Peace Prize shortlist by the US environmental science news outlet, Mongabay. Media coverage about his shortlist continued, with mentions in Aktualnosci News and Econ Times.
Henrik was also interviewed about the Israel-Palestine crisis for the UK news outlet, Express.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal's Nobel Peace Prize shortlist was covered by several media outlets including AFP and Reuters. Henrik was also interviewed separately by Associated Press, Reuters, CNN, Voice of America, the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, People’s Daily (China), Kristeligt Dagblad (Denmark), Sveriges Radio, Argentina’s news agency Télam, and in Norway by the newspaper Aftenposten, NRK Studio 2 (radio), NRK’s Dagsnytt 18 (listen at 52 mins), TV2 (web), TV2 Nyhetskanalen (TV), TV2 Nyheter (TV), news wire NTB, P4 and Nettavisen.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed about the North Korea-Russia summit on Norway’s NRK Dagsnytt 18 TV programme (listen at 22 mins).
Separately, Henrik’s participation in a working group responsible for developing the national publication indicator, was mentioned in an article by the Norwegian industry publication, Khrono, and a follow up article by the same outlet.
In addition, Henrik was interviewed by Argentina’s national news agency, Télam, about his Nobel Prize shortlist.
PRIO issued a press release based on a survey it commissioned on Norwegian attitudes to peace and war, ahead of Arendalsuka this week. Henrik Urdal was interviewed by the Norwegian online paper, Nettavisen, and by Swiss Radio, RTS in regards the survey.
The press release was also picked up by InDepth News, Eurasia Review, Noti-Ultimas, Norway News Today, Document, Verified News Explorer Network, Head Topics Norge, Scandasia, Forskning, Science Norway, and the Norwegian armed forces magazine, Forsvarets Forum.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal’s opinion on the protracted nature of the war in Ukraine as discussed in a panel at Arendalsuka, was featured in an article by the Norwegian aid magazine, Panorama.
Separately, Henrik was interviewed on the new BRICs members, by the Norway’s TV2.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal’s Nobel Peace Prize Shortlist was mentioned in several articles about the Myanmar envoy to the UN, who he recommended for the prize, including by the news site Kyodo News, Indonesian site Koran Jakarta, Notiulti and Nouvelles du Monde.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed on the effects of climate change on migration, by TV2.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed on radio about the possibility of peace in Ukraine, by Norway's NRK’s Dagens programme (listen at 15:26).
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal’s Nobel Peace Prize shortlist was mentioned in an article on US trade sanctions on Myanmar, on the news site Myanmar Now.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal’s Nobel Peace Prize shortlist was featured in an article by the Associated Press news agency.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal appeared on the Norwegian state TV (NRK) foreign affairs news programme, Urix, on the anniversary of the war in Ukraine (listen on 25 Feb, from 9mins,10sec).
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was mentioned in a story on Norway being only country to be profiting from the war in Ukraine, by The Guardian newspaper. The story is taken from a December opinion piece in Norway’s VG newspaper which he co-authored.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed about his shortlist for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize, by AFP news agency, Voice of America Pashto (airs in Afghanistan) and Norway’s Nettavisen news site here and here. The story was also covered by Norway’s Radio Haugaland, Radio Free Europe, Global Security news, Radio Free Asia, Voice of America, Myanmar’s News Eleven, The Democratic Voice of Burma, Daily Scrum, Mizzima Burmese, Afghan Azadi Radio, Afghan Online Press, Afghan Khaama Press news agency, Azer Forum, Asian outlet The Weekly Voice, and Azerbaijan state news agency Azertac.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal was interviewed on the global conflict situation for 2023 by Norwegian broadcaster NRK’s Nyhetsmorgen radio. Listen in at 43:56.
PRIO started listing media appearances on profiles in 2023. Earlier media appearances may not be listed.