Now more than ever we can see how the impact of war and violence changes societies and people.
On 15 August, PRIO, PRAKSIS and artist Motaz Habbash will kick offa month-long residency with ten artists whose creative practices respond tolived experiences of conflict and oppression.
Please be invited and save the dates for the INSPIRE seminar series autumn 2021! The seminars will take place monthly, on Wednesdays from 12:00-13:00 CET, online, with invited researchers and artists.
In societies at war or facing severe repression, what motivates individuals to take action for social justice when doing so involves great risk and uncertainty? How do such small but often heroic everyday acts of common people inspire larger transformations? And what is the impact of storytelling about everyday acts that challenge inequalities and injustices in places like Myanmar, Somaliland and Syria?The TRANSFORM research team has grappled with these questions for four years, and you will ...
On June 3rd 2021, the INSPIRE research platform was launched with a live performance by Faytinga and a presentation of artwork by Diala Brisly.
Sara Christophersen has won the annual prize for best MA thesis in human geography, handed out at this year's digital winter seminar.
EXPLORING INSPIRATIONArtists living in Norway and working on themes related to violent conflict and exile are hereby invited to take part in a unique series of online workshops in March-April 2021 to Explore Inspiration.
On October 5-6th a workshop on creative methods was held for the INSPIRE project.
On September 15th the INSPIRE advisory board and INSPIRE researchers had their first meeting.
Congratulations to Sara Christophersen for completing her MA thesis titled Embodied possibilities: A study of dance as an artistic, everyday practice in Palestine.
From January 22-23, 2020 a kick-off workshop was held for the INSPIRE project.