Ayşe Bala Akal: Bibliography

11 publications

Ayşe Bala Akal, Kristoffer Lidén & Kristina Roepstorff (2025)
Tacit engagement in humanitarian action: making sense of silence and secrecy in humanitarian negotiations

Journal article in Journal of International Humanitarian Action

Niels Ike et al. (2024)
Should the EU give up on readmission agreements as a foreign policy tool?

MIGNEX Policy Brief

Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert et al. (2024)
Towards migration policy coherence


Ayşe Bala Akal (2023)
Tacit engagement and humanitarian negotiation dilemmas

NCHS Paper

Niels Ike et al. (2023)
Exploring EU Migration Partnerships: The Cases of Turkey and Nigeria

MIGNEX Background Paper

Ayşe Bala Akal (2022)
Third Country Processing Regimes and the Violation of the Principle of Non-Refoulement: a Case Study of Australia’s Pacific Solution

Journal article in Journal of International Migration and Integration

Ayşe Bala Akal (2022)
Tacit engagement as a form of remote management: Risk aversity in the face of sanctions regimes

NCHS Paper

Ayşe Bala Akal & Mathias Hatleskog Tjønn (2022)
Rerouting Europe-bound refugees to the Global South ignores their human rights

Popular article in Peace News Network

Ayşe Bala Akal & Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert (2021)
The EU and Offshore Asylum Processing: Why Looking to Australia Is Not a Way Forward

PRIO Policy Brief

Ayşe Bala Akal (2021)
Denmark leading the race to the bottom: Hostility as a form of migration control

Popular article in RLI Blog on Refugee Law and Forced Migration

Ayşe Bala Akal (2021)
European Union-Belarus Border Crisis: Why the narrative of “hybrid warfare” is dangerous

Popular article in RLI Blog on Refugee Law and Forced Migration

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