David Felipe Gómez Triana: Bibliography

13 publications

Júlia Palik et al. (2025)
Disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration in peace agreements (1975–2021): Introducing the DDR dataset

Journal article in Journal of Peace Research

David Felipe Gómez Triana, Steffen Kongstad & Nicholas Marsh (2024)
The Impact of Geopolitical Change on Humanitarian Disarmament

PRIO Policy Brief

David Felipe Gómez Triana & Nicholas Marsh (2024)
The Humanitarian Disarmament Roundtable Conference, 2023: A Summary of Discussions

PRIO Policy Brief

Pavel K. Baev, David Felipe Gómez Triana & Nicholas Marsh (2024)
The State of Arms Control: Consequences of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

PRIO Paper

David Felipe Gómez Triana & Alexander Ugalde Zubiri (2023)
La protesta social en Colombia: antes, durante y después del Acuerdo de Paz de La Habana

Book chapter in Balances y perspectivas del cumplimiento del Acuerdo de Paz en Colombia (2016-2022)

Jerónimo Rios Sierra, Heriberto Cairo & David Felipe Gómez Triana (2023)
The political discourse of Comunes regarding FARC-EP dissidents in Colombia

Journal article in Critical Studies on Security

David Felipe Gómez Triana (2022)
Diálogos de La Habana: una comprensión desde la paz positiva y la paz negativa

Journal article in Opera

David Felipe Gómez Triana et al. (2022)
Negotiating Disarmament – The Gender Dimension: Barriers to the Inclusion of Women in Disarmament Negotiations

GPS Policy Brief

David Felipe Gómez Triana (2022)
Dinámicas de la violencia en los llanos orientales tras la firma del acuerdo de paz con las FARC-EP

Book chapter in Donde está la paz territorial? Violencia(s) y conflict armado tras el Acuerdo de Paz con las FARC-EP

David Felipe Gómez Triana (2022)
The Effect of Mass Protest on Attitudes toward Democracy: New Data and Evidence from Colombia

Master thesis

David Felipe Gómez Triana & Jerónimo Rios Sierra (2022)
Armed Violence in the Llanos Orientales Region Following the Signing of the Peace Agreement with the FARC-EP in Colombia

Journal article in Journal of Strategic Security

Júlia Palik et al. (2022)
Disaggregating Security Specific Provisions In Peace Agreements: The Disarmament, Demobilization, And Reintegration (DDR) Dataset, 1975-2021

Conference paper

Carolina Rodríguez Lizarralde & David Felipe Gómez Triana (2011)
Bloque Noroccidental - Iván Ríos

Book chapter in FARC-EP Flujos y Reflujos - La guerra en las regiones

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