Cindy Horst: Bibliography

117 publications

Ahmed M. Musa & Cindy Horst (2024)
Accountability through Technology in Somali Collective Crisis Response

PRIO Policy Brief

Emmanuel Viga et al. (2024)
Engaging with the Humanitarian Localisation Agenda from ‘Below’ in Uganda

PRIO Policy Brief

Cindy Horst (2024)
Citizenship and refugees

Book chapter in Encyclopedia of citizenship studies

Cathrine Brun, Cindy Horst & Hilde Refstie (2024)
Humanitære prinsipper versus relasjonell etikk: Lokale aktørers rolle i Norges nye strategi

Popular article in Panorama

Cathrine Brun, Cindy Horst & Hilde Refstie (2024)
Hva er veien videre for lokalt ledet respons? Et svar til utviklingsministeren

Popular article in Panorama

Ahmed Mohamed Musa, Hassan Aden & Cindy Horst (2023)
Leveraging Local Elections to Advance Somalia’s Transition to a Multiparty Democratic System

PRIO Policy Brief

Ahmed Mohamed Musa, Cindy Horst & Hassan Aden (2023)
Transitioning Somalia to Direct Elections: Lessons from Somaliland and Puntland

PRIO Paper

Hassan Aden, Abdirahman Edle Ali & Cindy Horst (2023)
From Refugees to Citizens? How Refugee Youth in the Dadaab Camps of Kenya Use Education to Challenge Their Status as Non-Citizens

Journal article in Journal of Refugee Studies

Cindy Horst (2023)
Creative resistance: The social justice practices of Monirah, Halleh and Diala


Sarah Dryden-Peterson & Cindy Horst (2023)
Education for refugees. Building durable futures?

Journal article in Journal of Refugee Studies

Cathrine Brun & Cindy Horst (2023)
Towards a conceptualisation of relational humanitarianism

Journal article in Journal of Humanitarian Affairs

Maja Korać & Cindy Horst (2023)
Life History Research and the Violence of War: Experiencing Binary Thinking on Pain and Privilege, Being and Knowing

Journal article in Genealogy

Cindy Horst & Cathrine Brun (2023)
Norges nødhjelpsmilliarder kan brukes langt mer effektivt

Popular article in Panorama

Trude Stapnes, Erik Carlquist & Cindy Horst (2022)
Responsibility to Protest: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Motives for Protest Participation in Myanmar

Journal article in Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology

Cindy Horst (2022)
Peace Is More Than the Absence of War: Inger Skjelsbæk

Book chapter in Lives in Peace Research: The Oslo Stories

Cindy Horst (2022)
Creating a Third Space in the Cyprus Conflict: Mete Hatay

Book chapter in Lives in Peace Research: The Oslo Stories

Cindy Horst (2022)
Anthropology does not need to decolonise to make sense of conflicts in today's polarized world. Against the motion.

Journal article in Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift

Cindy Horst (2022)
Questioning artists: Contributing societal critique and alternative visions in dark times

Journal article in Conflict and Society

Katarzyna Grabska & Cindy Horst (2022)
Art, violent conflict and displacement

Journal article in Conflict and Society

Hassan Aden, Zeina Bali & Cindy Horst (2022)
From Refugees to Citizens? Rethinking Refugee Education Dilemmas

PRIO Policy Brief

Hassan Aden et al. (2022)
What Can We Learn from Refugee-Led Education in Kenya?

PRIO Policy Brief

Cindy Horst & Odin Lysaker (2021)
Miracles in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt and Refugees as ‘Vanguard’

Journal article in Journal of Refugee Studies

Cindy Horst & Tore Vincents Olsen (2021)
Transnational Citizens, Cosmopolitan Outlooks? Migration as a Route to Cosmopolitanism

Journal article in Nordic Journal of Migration Research

Noor Jdid (2021)
"Taking part in society the way I am" An exploration of active citizenship norms in Denmark and Norway

PhD thesis

Cindy Horst & Hassan Aden (2021)
Refugee Education: A Long-Term Investment

PRIO Policy Brief

Henrik Buljo Anstorp & Cindy Horst (2021)
Broadening the Concept of Humanitarian Accountability

PRIO Paper

Cindy Horst, Marta Bivand Erdal & Noor Jdid (2020)
The “good citizen”: asserting and contesting norms of participation and belonging in Oslo

Journal article in Ethnic and Racial Studies

Cindy Horst (2020)
Collective hope in dark times: Refugee political agency influencing migration trajectories

Book chapter in Renewing the migration debate. Building disciplinary and geographical bridges to explain global migration

Marta Bivand Erdal et al. (2020)
Integration and Development: Need for Dialogue

PRIO Paper

Marta Bivand Erdal et al. (2020)
Diaspora, Development and Integration: A Review of Policies and Practice

PRIO Policy Brief

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