“Towards an Islamic Conception of Human Rights ? : Examining the Status of Non-Muslims and the Nature of Freedom of Belief in Islamic Human Rights Schemes”. Undertaking a study of the several Islamic human right schemes that have appeared during the last decades, I try to disseminate how some scholars of contemporary Islamic law perceive the relationship between Islam and non-Muslims. I compare the rules expressed in the declarations to traditional views on non-Muslims within Islamic law, and look into the legal methods of deduction used as a basis for the declarations, in order to establish the extent to which they comply with legitimate and accepted techniques within Fiqh.The main objectives of the thesis is to examine what kind of attitude towards non-Muslims is put forward in the Islamic human rights schemes, and to what extent this particular interpretation of Shari'a is considered legitimate by any branches of Islamic law.
"Peaceagreements in Civil Wars of Secession"
This project for a doctoral dissertation in international law will undertake a study of peace agreements concluded between states and secessionist minorities aspiring for independance. The thesis aims at analyzing the process of recognition of non-state contracting parties (ethnic, religious or other minority groups) as legal subjects under international law during peace processes, and assess the extent to which the dialectical relationship between humanitarian law, the international human rights regime and the evolving international criminal law have affected the legal norms governing the grey zone between intrastate and inter-state war.