Jørgen Carling: Bibliography

149 publications

Jørgen Carling et al. (2024)
Effects of involuntary immobility on development


Nicolás Caso & Jørgen Carling (2024)
The reach and impact of migration information campaigns in 25 communities across Africa and Asia

Journal article in Migration Policy Practice

Jørgen Carling (2024)
Feilslåtte informasjonskampanjer mot migrasjon

Popular article in Panorama nyheter

Jørgen Carling, Jessica Hagen-Zanker & Zina Weisner (2024)
New insights on the causes of migration


Jørgen Carling (2024)
Why Do People Migrate? Fresh Takes on the Foundational Question of Migration Studies

Journal article in International Migration Review

Jessica Hagen-Zanker et al. (2024)
The multi-level determinants of international migration aspirations in 25 communities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East

Journal article in World Development

Jørgen Carling (2024)
Mixed methods: bridging the qualitative–quantitative divide in migration research

Book chapter in How to Do Migration Research

Marta Bivand Erdal et al. (2024)
Migration drivers across time and space: selected examples

Book chapter in From Uncertainty to Policy: A Guide to Migration Scenarios

Jørgen Carling (2023)
How I’ve used mixed methods (or not) over 20 years of doing migration research
Mathilde Bålsrud Mjelva & Jørgen Carling (2023)
Surveys on migration aspirations, plans and intentions: a comprehensive overview

Journal article in Open Research Europe

Marta Bivand Erdal et al. (2023)
The determination of migration through focus group data

MIGNEX Background Paper

Jørgen Carling (2023)
The phrase ‘refugees and migrants’ undermines analysis, policy and protection

Journal article in International Migration

Jørgen Carling et al. (2023)
The multi-level determination of migration processes

MIGNEX Background paper

Nicolás Caso et al. (2023)
Migration and alternative responses to dissatisfaction

MIGNEX Background paper

Jessica Hagen-Zanker & Jørgen Carling (2023)
What are the ‘root causes’ of migration?

MIGNEX Policy Brief

Jørgen Carling (2023)
The Double Duality of Migrant Smugglers: An Analytical Framework

Book chapter in Global Human Smuggling

Carlos Vargas-Silva et al. (2023)
Tackling the root causes of migration

MIGNEX Background paper

Jørgen Carling (2022)
Understanding variation and change in migrant transnationalism

Book chapter in Handbook on Transnationalism

Maryam Aslany, Tone Sommerfelt & Jørgen Carling (2022)
Empirical analyses of determinants of migration aspirations

QuantMig deliverable

Jørgen Carling & Jessica Hagen-Zanker (2022)
Migration and development dynamics in São Nicolau, Cabo Verde

MIGNEX Case Study Brief

Jørgen Carling & Hannah Murray (2022)
Migration and development dynamics in Boa Vista, Cabo Verde

MIGNEX Case STudy Briefs

Camille Kasavan et al. (2022)
Migration and development dynamics in Redeyef, Tunisia

MIGNEX Case Study Brief

Maryam Aslany et al. (2021)
Systematic review of determinants of migration aspirations

QuantMig deliverable

Jørgen Carling (2021)
What makes people want to migrate? One chart sums it up

Popular article in The Startup

Jørgen Carling & Mathilde Bålsrud Mjelva (2021)
Survey instruments and survey data on migration aspirations

QuantMig project deliverable

Sebastian Schutte et al. (2021)
Climatic conditions are weak predictors of asylum migration

Journal article in Nature Communications

Jørgen Carling, Marta Bivand Erdal & Cathrine Talleraas (2021)
Living in two countries: Transnational living as an alternative to migration

Journal article in Population, Space and Place

Jørgen Carling & Marta Bivand Erdal (2021)
Religiøsitet og boligeierskap blant muslimer i Norge

PRIO Policy Brief

Jørgen Carling & Marta Bivand Erdal (2021)
Religiosity and Home Ownership among Muslims in Norway

PRIO Policy Brief

Jørgen Carling & Heidi Østbø Haugen (2020)
Circumstantial migration: how Gambian journeys to China enrich migration theory

Journal article in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

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