Can migration be forecasted in today's unpredictable world? How can policymakers and scholars navigate inherent uncertainty, with robust and realistic models?
Focusing on the Asian context, we seek to explore the interactions between multiple forms of migrations and processes of social mobility, whether upward, downward, or sideways. The Call for Papers is open till 15 October 2024.
PRIO hosts six research projects funded by prestigious grants for Europe’s most groundbreaking research. There is now an opportunity for journalists to spend 3-5 months at the institute and engage with these projects.
In April, MIGNEX convened a major Policy Conference on future EU migration and development policy, in partnership with ODI. See below for a brief summary of our discussions on longstanding and emerging EU policy agendas.
This article contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between conflict and mobility, by disaggregating ‘conflict’ and drawing on sub-national geographical units.
In a new article in the journal Disasters we explore who provides aid, drawing on the case of the protracted internal displacement of Sri Lanka’s Northern Muslims. Based on this we offer insights of relevance to 'localisation' efforts in humanitarian practice.
PRIO to co-host academic workshop in Kampala on the role of local humanitarian actors and their accountability practices.
Rojan Tordhol Ezzati defended her PhD successfully on 10 October 2022 at the University of Oslo.
Successful MIGNEX consortium meeting in Istanbul, with inspiring discussion as the project members continue to build new knowledge on migration, development and policy.
The new open accessbook Livesin Peace Research: The Oslo Stories explains how PRIO, the world'soldest independent peace research institute, was founded and how it survivedthrough crises.
As part of the European Research Council funded 'Migration Rhythms in Trajectories of Upward Social Mobility in Asia' project, PRIO invites bids to develop comics based on family history interviews to be collected in four Asian cities in 2023.
Kelly Fisher takes over from Mathias Hatleskog Tjønn as the coordinator of the PRIO Migration Centre.
Hvordan opplever barn og unge å delta i aktiviteter i sine trossamfunn, og hvordan er forholdet mellom dette og det de lærer på skolen? FAITHED-prosjektet søker etter en forskningsassistent som skal bidra med datainnsamling i to katolske menigheter i Oslo-området, skoleåret 2022-2023.
Studies of lived religion among Muslims in Europe increasingly analyse how Muslims’ everyday practices are informed by religious beliefs, norms and values.
The most relevant PRIO researchers to comment on aspects relevant to the Russia-Ukraine War are listed here.
PRIO invites applications for this course, which will be taught in person in Oslo in June 2022.
Three migration-related PhD courses will be offered at PRIO in the course of 2022: (1) Migration theory: perspectives on time and temporalities, (2) Survey methods in migration research: design, implementation, and analysis, and (3) Ethnographic fieldwork methodology: approaches, tools, and ethics.
The new Handbook on Transnationalism, edited by Brenda S.
The new Handbook of Return Migration, edited by Russell King and Katie Kuschminder and published by Elgar, includes a chapter by PRIO Research Professor Marta Bivand Erdal and former PRIO Global Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Sussex Ceri Oeppen, entitled "Theorising voluntariness in return".
PRIO Research Professor Marta Bivand Erdal together with Sehr Nisar, Prithvi Raj, Neha Ramchand, Furrukh Khan and Rashid Memon, have contributed a new blog post in the MIGNEX Insight series, entitled "Hope and despair in the Indus river delta: navigating the treacherous waters of capitalism, climate change and politics".
The Poland-Belarus Border: A Conversation with Marta Bivand Erdal in the Public AnthropologistIn this conversation with Public Anthropologist's Saumya Pandey (Doctoral Researcher at Christian Michelsen's Institute) PRIO Research Professor Marta Bivand Erdal reflects on the continuing Poland-Belarus crisis.
The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) invites applications for two full-time, two-year, Postdoc positions within the project Migration Rhythms in Trajectories of Upward Social Mobility in Asia (MigrationRhythms).
Louise Olsson is the new Research Director for the Social Dynamics Department.
The FAITHED project has received funding from the Research Council of Norway to study children and youth with a religious minority background in Norway and their relationship to non-formal and formal religious education.
In a recent episode of PRIO's Peace in a Pod, Marta Bivand Erdal discusses her research and findings on cizenship, permits, and immigration status in Norway.
The Standing Committee on Migrant Transnationalism (MITRA) invites papers for a series of panels at the 2022 IMISCOE conference.
New article in the journal Migration Studies analyses why migrants vote from abroad in elections in countries of origin, based on 80 interviews with Polish and Romanian migrants in Barcelona and Oslo.
What about conflict drives some people to move, while others stay behind? Proposed session for the Annual Meeting of American Geographers 2022, on the geographies of migration during conflict and the dynamics of migration-decision making in conflict settings.
We welcome abstracts for papers for a virtual workshop, to be held in October/November 2021 (date/time to be confirmed with those participating) – on the theme of Migrating from Pakistan today: Interrogating the regular/irregular divide.
Kelly Fisher has successfully defended his thesis "Moving masculinities: Polish men's migration experiences in Oslo".