Rojan Tordhol Ezzati defended her PhD successfully on 10 October 2022 at the University of Oslo.
In a new article published in Migration Studies, Rojan Tordhol Ezzati examines expressions of unity through value-talk after terrorism in Norway (2011) and France (2015).
Negotiating values, identities and a resilient society
The spring edition is out now
On the five year anniversary of the 22 July terror attacks in Norway, PRIO researchers share their reflections.
Newsletter from PRIO's NECORE Team, working on identity and resilience after 22/7 - a sad anniversary is approaching.
Proposed changes in Norway's immigration could have adverse effects on integration, discriminate against persons with disabilities, and undermine democratic control.
Blog post by Marta Erdal and Rojan Ezzati
Abstract submission deadline: 8 December 2013
As a response to the Norwegian Progress Party's report 'Sustainable Immigration', PRIO researchers Marta Bivand Erdal and Rojan Ezzati have published an op-ed in the Norwegian daily VG.
Today it was announced that no less than two research projects at PRIO have been granted funding from the FRISAM call at the Norwegian Research Council.
The Research Council of Norway has just announced its funding from the SAMKUL programme.
In Norway, questions of immigration have traditionally been a domestic affair.
On 22 July, Norway was struck by a double terror attack.
PRIO invites applications for two doctoral researcher positions to study return migration from Norway and the United Kingdom to Burundi and Iraq, respectively.
The Research Council of Norway (RCN) has featured PREMIG as a succesful project application.