More information about this person is available at his external homepage at the University of Essexand his personal website.
Work phone: +44(0)1206 82 01 44
More information about this person is available at his external homepage at the University of Essexand his personal website.
Journal article in All Azimuth
Journal article in Governance
Book review in JPR Book Notes
Journal article in PLOSone
Book review in JPR Book Notes
Book review in JPR Book Notes
Journal article in Political Geography
Journal article in Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy
Journal article in International Studies Review
Journal article in Journal of Peace Research
PRIO Research Professor Kristian Skrede Gleditsch has been elected as a Fellow of The British Academy, the UK’s national academy for the humanities and social sciences.
On Thursday 31 March, Kristian Skrede Gleditch of the University of Essex and PRIO gave his Presidential Address at the 2022 annual convention of the International Studies Associations (ISA) in Nashville, USA.
Friday, we got to know that a large project has been funded by the Research Council of Norway's INFRASTRUKTUR initiative, that aims to build up relevant, up-to-date infrastructure that is accessible to the research community, to various private and public sector user groups, and to the general public.
How does a country’s security apparatus react to a protest movement?And what happens in the aftermath of successful protests?PRIO has long been at the forefront of research on protest movements.
Can governments reduce violent crime by increasing education, and if so, under what conditions?Mauricio Rivera has received FINNUT funding from the Research Council of Norway for the 4-year project The Crime-Reducing Effect of Education: Disaggregating Education and Impact on Violent Crime (CREED).
Kristian Skrede Gleditsch has been nominated to be President of the International Studies Association (ISA) for the period 2021–22.
The Academy of Social Sciences in the UK is an esteemed national institution which aims to promote social science research, publication, debate and dissemination.
The Research Council of Norway announced this morning that PRIO will receive TOPPFORSK funding for the project: "Securing the victory? Understanding dynamics of short-run and long-term success in popular uprisings and democratization".
The University of Essex has today announced that Kristian Skrede Gleditsch has been appointed to the prestigious Regius Professorship.
Marianne Dahl successfully defended her doctoral thesis today, 30 March, at the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences - NTNU.
PRIO Researchers Marianne Dahl and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch published a blog post on popular mobilization increasing the likelihood of democracy after a coup, on the website Political Violence at a Glance.
PRIO started listing media appearances on profiles in 2023. Earlier media appearances may not be listed.