Policy Brief
Insights on Muslim Humanitarians and the Sustainable Development Goals
PRIO Policy Brief
Sven Gunnar Simonsen
Journal Article
Ambivalent patriotism: Jacob Aall and Dano-Norwegian Identity before 1814
Journal article in Nations and Nationalism
Journal Article
Does War Impede Trade? A Response to Anderton & Carter
Journal article in Journal of Peace Research
Policy Brief
Norway and UN Peacekeeping Trends
Conflict Trends
PRIO Blogs
COVID-19: Towards a Digital Fragmentation of the Right to Education?
COVID-19 lockdowns have had momentous impact on children’s lives worldwide and in particular on the right to education. Save the Children reports that more than 1.6 billion learners globally have faced school closures due to the pandemic, resultin...
PRIO Blogs
Congo and Structural Violence: Helge Hveem Interviewed by Per Olav Reinton
Helge Hveem, interviewed by Per Olav Reinton.