PRIO Blogs
Moscow Changes War Rhetoric but Stays War Course
The whirlwind of U.S.-initiated diplomatic activity in the last two weeks has compelled the Kremlin to alter the tone of its messaging on confrontation with the West and even the substance of its far-reaching propaganda campaign. The cliché of “An...
PRIO Blogs
Contesting the AI-Cybersecurity Nexus: Lessons Learned from the United Kingdom
In an age where so-called artificial intelligence (AI) seems to revolutionise every corner of our lives, it’s no surprise that its intersection with cybersecurity has become a major focus for governments worldwide. Where cybersecurity and AI were ...
PRIO Blogs
Triumphalism in Moscow About Setback in Peace-Making for Ukraine Could be Short-Lived
Moscow’s mouthpieces competed to celebrate and ridicule the individuals involved in the February 28 talks in Washington, D.C. between Ukraine and the United States. To the surprise of many, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy left the White Ho...
PRIO Blogs
How Colombia’s Disarmament Process Transformed Weapons Into Symbols of Peace
In 2016, the Colombian government and the guerrilla group FARC-EP ended their five decade-long war. As part of the peace agreement, FARC-EP’s weapons had to be collected, a process known as disarmament. By 2017, UN observers had received and remov...
PRIO Blogs
Moscow Seeks to Regain Initiative in the Game of Peace Talks
Jubilation in Moscow after the phone conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump on February 12 has given way to contemplations of the consequences and even to confusion caused by the barrage of statements...
Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025
JPR Journal Article of the Year 2024 Awarded to Melanie Sauter
Melanie Sauter has been awarded the Nils Petter Gleditsch Article of the Year Award for her journal article entitled ‘Politicized health emergencies and violent resistance against healthcare responders.’
PRIO Blogs
Trump’s Logic of Deal-Making Versus Putin’s Logic of War-Making
As the Ukraine War approaches the grim mark of three years, it appears both ripe for an armistice and impossible to bring to an end. For US President Donald Trump, this war is a senseless waste of people and resources, which should be stopped imme...
Security Dialogue
Migrant deaths in the name of law
Image byJim BlackfromPixabay In international political sociology, a variety of scholars following Agamben and the so-called state of exception emphasize the routes of violence against migrants in the light of their privation of rights or “suspend...
Journal Article
Skyggekrigen mot UNRWA etter 7. oktober 2023
Journal article in Babylon - Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier
PRIO Blogs
Russian Counter-Offensive in the International Arena Has Lost Momentum
One of the key goals for 2024 that President Vladimir Putin had apparently set at the end of the second year of the Ukraine war was to execute a sustained foreign policy counter-offensive to reduce Russia’s international isolation to irrelevance. ...
PRIO Blogs
The International Criminal Court at Risk of Collapse
As many are by now acutely aware, the International Criminal Court (ICC) relies on state cooperation to investigate and arrest individuals charged with international crimes. This is not new. What is new is the seriousness, complexity, and extent o...
Tuesday, 10 Dec 2024
PRIO in the Republic of Korea for its Action with Women and Peace Conference
On December 10th, PRIO Research Director Louise Olsson and GPS Coordinator Stine A. Bosheim contributed to the Action with Women and Peace Conference (AWP), in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Popular Article
En uprøvd flyktningteori
Popular article in Panorama
Popular Article
How Colombia’s disarmament process transformed weapons into symbols of peace
Popular article in The Conversation
PRIO Blogs
Escalation Management: Putin-style, Ukraine-challenged, and NATO-pursued
Russian missile strike on the sprawling industrial complex in Dnipro on November 21 produced far more strategic resonance than material damage – and has reopened hard questions about the constant mutation of the long Russia-Ukraine war and the met...
PRIO Blogs
An Untested Refugee Theory
From late January 2025, the Israeli ban on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) will come into effect. What does this mean for the rights of the Palestinian refugees, and who will then take responsibility for h...
En kort introduksjon til Israel–Palestina-konflikten, 2. utgave
PRIO Blogs
Protection of Civilians in Crisis: Geneva Conventions at 75
With the devastating news from Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan among other wars, we witness a crisis of the international regime for protecting civilians in armed conflict. However, this is not a total collapse but a return to the troubling world that the...
PRIO Blogs
Making Women Combatants Visible: Steps Towards Gender-Responsive Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration
In October the Security Council met for its annual Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Open Debate under the theme of “Women Building Peace in a Changing Environment.” Despite the WPS agenda’s goals for including women in all aspects of security and ...
PRIO Blogs
Israel Has Escalated Its Shadow War Against UNRWA. What Happens Now?
On 4 November, the Israeli Foreign Ministry cancelled the agreement the country signed with UNRWA in 1967. A week earlier, the Knesset had passed legislation banning UNRWA from operating in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Why is I...
PRIO Blogs
Civil Society Participation in International Criminal Justice
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is in trouble. To commentators and observers of the Court, one crisis seems to lead on to the next, so that the field of international criminal justice has been described as being in ‘perpetual crisis’. Follo...
Friday, 11 Oct 2024
PRIO Researchers to Evaluate Norway’s Engagement in Afghanistan
PRIO’s Deputy Director Torunn L. Tryggestad and PRIO Research Professor Kristian Berg Harpviken are both appointed members of new commission on Afghanistan.
Thursday, 3 Oct 2024
Nobel Peace Prize 2024: PRIO Director’s Updated List Announced
The Director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Henrik Urdal, announced his updated list for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize today, with election observers topping the list.
Journal Article
Refugee journey infrastructures: Exploring migration trajectories from South Sudan to Uganda
Journal article in Population, Space and Place
Sarajevos roser: krigen i Bosnia og dens etterliv
Popular Article
Kan man dele ut fredspris i en verden fylt av krig?
Popular article in Aftenposten
PRIO Blogs
Can We Award a Prize for Peace in a World Full of War?
On Friday 11 October, we will find out the winner of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. The announcement will take place against the background of full-scale wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as a record number of other conflicts around the...
PRIO Blogs
Spectre of Escalation Over the Ukraine War
The first striking sentence of the Communist Manifesto issued in 1848 – A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism – has long become a historical anecdote. Even the leftist fringe cherishes no illusions about the unity of the proletar...
Journal Article
Norsk Israel–Palestina-politikk i krisetid
Journal article in Internasjonal Politikk
PRIO Blogs
Moscow Takes the Measure of Western Vacillations
Since the start of Russia’s war against Ukraine, the US-led Western coalition has demonstrated remarkable determination in supporting Kyiv. Yet, every practical step in providing military support to defiant Ukraine has involved protracted delibera...