ISBN: 978-1-83910-992-8

Ross Fetterly

Canadian Global Affairs Institute

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This volume is a significant and welcome addition to the literature and should be read by academics, practitioners, and government officials. Its objective is to provide an up-to-date overview of contemporary scholarly research, emphasize central theoretical insights, and identify questions for future research. The broad range of 25 essays are divided into four main sections, which complement each other, while providing a remarkably comprehensive overview of global peacekeeping and international relations. The first section examines the deployment of peacekeeping operations and the second focuses on what peacekeepers actually do. The third and strongest section centres on peacekeeping effectiveness: specifically peacekeeping and conflict resolution, peacekeeping and the geographic diffusion, as well as the containment, of conflict, and, finally peacekeeping and the protection of civilians. The final chapter focuses on controversies related to peacekeeping, such as hazards of peacekeeping and local perceptions of peacekeepers. Each essay provides a detailed and useful list of references related to the subject matter. In recent years, we have witnessed a broad range of diverse military and civilian international peacekeeping and peace-making missions, based on shared national interests. A practitioner perspective, as well as a political perspective, could have complemented the academic essays and provided a greater diversity of perspectives on peacekeeping. A follow-on volume could examine non-UN international peacekeeping missions, in the same effectual manner as in this volume. This could include missions such as the African Group of Five for the Sahel (G5 Sahel) Joint Force, or the Multinational Force and Observers in the Sinai. Specifically, what differences, similarities or objectives non-UN international peacekeeping, or peace-making initiatives, have from the peacekeeping missions considered in this outstanding Handbook.