Submissions and enquiries

Submitting authors, please consult our Notes for Authors (below). JPR uses the SageTrack manuscript tracking system. Please register all new submissions and resubmissions at SageTrack. In general, JPR does not provide pre-submission feedback on the suitability or quality of a manuscript.

In order to get a manuscript published in the Journal of Peace Research, it must be completely compliant with JPR's style of choice, SAGE's Harvard referencing style. After conditional acceptance, authors must make sure to revise the manuscript in accordance with the guidelines sent to them.

Notes for Authors

1. Submissions

All manuscripts should be submitted via SageTrack.

The system provides step-by step instructions on how to submit. If you have an account that you can no longer access or if you encounter difficulties with SageTrack, please contact the Editorial Office at

At first submission, we require that the manuscript:

  1. be anonymous (author details should appear only on a separate title page; see Section 6);
  2. uses the author-date citation system;
  3. includes an alphabetical list of references;
  4. complies in word count (maximum 11,000 words for Regular Articles, 6,000 words for Special Data Features, 5,000 words for State of the Art Review Essays, and 6,000 words for Research Notes including all elements*), although an excess 10% is accepted at first submission;
  5. uses ample line spacing throughout (1.5 or double);
  6. includes an abstract (~200–300 words).

* Maximum word count includes title page including abstract + keywords, article text, footnotes/end notes, all figure and tables content, references, bio sketches, replication statement, funding statement, and acknowledgements, with the exception of online appendices. Irrespective of the word-count limit of a given article type, the editorial office reserves the right to request that an article be shortened if it is deemed appropriate.   A uthors must disclose any funding and conflicts of interest at first submission. Further, authors need to disclose the use of generative AI at first submission (see also Section 2).

After conditional acceptance, we require that the manuscript follows points (2)–(6) above and, in addition:

  1. be completely compliant with JPR style (see detailed instructions in Sections 7–17);
  2. includes a first page with a) name and affiliation (department and institution) of author(s), b) abstract, c) keywords, and d) e-mail address (the physical address can be added as well) of the corresponding author;
  3. includes a replication data statement (see Section 18);
  4. includes the acknowledgements and a funding statement (if applicable) (see Section 19);
  5. includes a bibliographical statement (see Section 20);

2. Editorial policies and content guidelines

We welcome submissions that contribute to advancing the study of peace and conflict through innovative, rigorous, and insightful research. Our aim is to publish work that clearly demonstrates its unique contribution to the field. Specifically, we encourage work that engages with theoretical debates, employs sound methodology, incorporates robust empirical contributions and demonstrates relevance to the field. To ensure your manuscript aligns with our standards and has the best chance of moving forward in the review process, we encourage authors to consider the following principles when preparing their work:

  1. Theoretical engagement  Manuscripts with a substantive focus should engage with relevant theoretical frameworks and contribute meaningfully to ongoing scholarly debates. We welcome a variety of theoretical approaches and substantive submissions should demonstrate a clear theoretical grounding and articulate how they build upon or challenge existing scholarship. Methodological papers need to very clearly express why and how they advance peace and conflict studies. If the work is conceptual in nature, extensive and accurate engagement with existing literature is mandatory and innovative insights must be advanced.
  2. Methodological Rigor and Transparency   We encourage methodological diversity and welcome papers employing quantitative, as well as mixed and qualitative methods. Regardless of the method chosen, manuscripts should explain the research design and methodology clearly and thoroughly. Typically, this requires supplementary information to complement the main analysis. Empirical studies should provide sufficient detail on data collection and analysis to allow readers to assess the validity of the findings. Submissions relying solely on secondary sources or descriptive statistics without deeper analysis may not meet the journal's standards. Similarly, while advanced methods are welcome, they should be well-integrated into the paper’s broader scope and accessible to the journal's readership, which is mainly versed in Political Science, Economics, and Sociology. While we welcome methodological innovation, purely methodological research outside of the journal’s scope is unlikely to be sent out for review.
  3. Relevance to Peace and Conflict Studies   Manuscripts should directly engage with themes central to peace and conflict studies. We recognize that the field is broad and interdisciplinary, but submissions should demonstrate clear connections to debates, concepts, or challenges related to peace and conflict. Papers with overly narrow topics or those focusing on tangential issues, such as education, economic development, or peace-time governance, may be better suited for other outlets.
  4. Structure and Presentation   Manuscripts should clearly articulate their unique contribution to the field, by treating existing research as a point of departure. Papers that summarize events or offer descriptive accounts without connecting to broader theoretical or empirical debates are less likely to meet the journal's expectations. Submissions should be written clearly and cohesively, adhering to academic standards. The introduction should frame the research question, the body should develop the argument logically, and the conclusion should connect the findings to broader implications. Manuscripts that are too short to fully develop their argument, poorly written, or read like policy or journalistic texts are unlikely to be sent out for review.
  5. Engaging with the Journal’s Audience   Consider the journal’s readership when preparing your manuscript. Papers should aim to engage a broad audience within the field, going beyond the specifics of a single case or context to draw out implications or lessons of wider relevance. While case studies are welcome, they should be framed in a way that speaks to generalizable or transferable insights and case selection should be clearly justified.
  6. Ethics and Professional Standards   All submissions should adhere to high ethical standards. This includes transparency in data usage and usage of generative AI, replication data provision after acceptance of the manuscript, proper anonymization where needed, acknowledgement of prior research and contributions, and many additional considerations when conducting experiments and field research. Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and to follow ethical guidelines in their research design and implementation.

Authors that use generative AI such as ChatGPT or LLMs must disclose this to the Editorial Office upon submission as well as in the methods or acknowledgements sections, as appropriate. This includes, for example, using generative AI to write an abstract, produce figures, or for parts of the data analysis and coding. Assistive AI tools that help to improve language, grammar and sentence structure do not require disclosure by authors. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics. Should the Editors become aware that (generative) AI was inappropriately used in preparations without adequate disclosure, the Editors reserve the right to reject the submission at any time during the publishing process. Editors and reviewers must not use generative AI to generate reviews or decision letters. For further details, please see Sage’s policy on the use of AI tools.

In general, JPR does not provide pre-submission feedback on the suitability or quality of a manuscript. Submitted manuscripts are initially read and evaluated by the Editorial Office. We aim to decide whether to send manuscripts for peer review within two weeks. For manuscripts sent to reviewers, we try to complete the evaluation process within three months. Revised manuscripts need to be resubmitted within three months of the decision. Authors who are unable to resubmit within this timeframe can email the managing editor ( for an extension.

JPR operates a double-blind peer review process in which the reviewer’s identity is withheld from the author and the author’s identity is withheld from the reviewer. Reviewers may at their own discretion opt to reveal their name to the author in their review, but our standard policy is for both identities to remain concealed. Manuscripts and supplementary information must be anonymized prior to submission.

JPR does not accept double submissions, translations of articles, submissions of previously published work, or ‘data slicing’, i.e. articles that represent only marginal progress from the authors’ earlier work.

We do not publish comments on previously published articles. Corrections are occasionally posted electronically on our data replication page. Please contact the Editorial Office at if you have a correction that you would like to post.

We do not invite revised versions of once rejected manuscripts.

JPR has a transfer agreement with the American Political Science Review (APSR). We allow the transfer of manuscripts that have been rejected with reviews by APSR, following the steps outlined here. We do not accept transfers from other journals. JPR is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics. The Journal of Peace Research and its publisher Sage take issues of plagiarism, AI misuse or other breaches of best practices in research very seriously.

Complaint and appeal policy: The Journal of Peace Research receives a large number of submissions. Many submissions are desk rejected and therefore not sent out for external review. JPR generally does not consider appeals for desk rejections and can reject before review for a wide variety of reasons (please see also Sage’s Complaints and Appeals procedure).

For manuscripts that have been rejected after peer review, authors can file appeals or procedural complaints about the handling of manuscripts. If an author wishes to formally appeal a decision to reject a manuscript after peer review, the author may do so by providing a 1–2-page writeup of the matter. This should include a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ and editor’s comments as well as a description of the specific irregularity alleged in the decision-making. Additionally, all relevant written communication between the author and JPR should be copied into a single pdf file. Complaints about the conduct of editors and/or peer reviewers as well as appeals for decisions should be sent to To avoid conflicts of interest, the appeal/complaint will be passed on to the designated contact person, who is not part of the Editorial Committee or any regular JPR meetings. They will then review the information alongside the manuscript, the reviews, and the decision letter.

Based on this investigation, the original decision can be upheld or overturned, with a written explanation.

  • Information regarding color options and costs should be requested from the SAGE contact sending you your article proof for checking after your article has been accepted.
  • Upon acceptance of your article, please sign the Contributor form as soon as possible not to delay the export of your article to SAGE.
  • The proof will be sent to you after the article has been copy-edited and typeset. It is unfortunately not possible to provide an estimation of time for this process.
  • For Open Access options, please take a look at Sage’s website, which outlines the various options. After acceptance, SAGE will discuss the options for Open Access publications with the author(s).

4. Types of articles

Regular articles

Regular articles typically include a literature review, a theoretical framework, a discussion of the methodology and data, and an independent empirical analysis and discussion. Successful articles should engage in ongoing debates in the field and clearly state their contribution to the existing research literature. Regular articles can be up to 11,000 words including all elements (title page, abstract, notes, reference list, tables, biographical statement, acknowledgements, etc.). Before submitting, authors are encouraged to look at research articles previously published in the Journal of Peace Research at

Special data features

Special data features introduce new datasets or significant revisions of existing ones. In addition to describing new datasets, special data features should show how the new data can make a genuine contribution to the study of conflict and peace, for instance by pointing to results that are significantly different from previously published work. We do not require the same level of theoretical sophistication and detailed empirical investigation as for regular research articles. Furthermore, we do not require that the dataset is submitted along with the article at first submission, but authors are welcome to do so, and may find that reviewers are able to provide better feedback if given access to the data. Authors must have copyright over the data they describe or can alternatively demonstrate that they abide by license agreements with data providers in the main draft or supplementary information. Special data features can be up to 6,000 words including all elements (title page, abstract, notes, reference list, tables, biographical statement, acknowledgements, etc.).

An example of a special data feature is ‘Funding rebellion: The Rebel Contraband Dataset’ by Walsh JI, Conrad JM,  Whitaker BE, et al., published in 2018 (Volume 55, Issue 5).

State-of-the-Art Review essays

A State-of-the-Art Review Essay synthesizes ‘state of the art’ research. The review should be focused and comprehensive. It should summarize the research on a specific topic that truly represents cutting edge research. They should not be limited to a single book or several books. These essays will be double-anonymized peer-reviewed. They will be no longer than 5,000 words long. Each issue of the journal will not contain more than one Review Essay. State-of-the-Art Review Essays can be up to 5,000 words including all elements (title page, abstract, notes, reference list, tables, biographical statement, acknowledgements, etc.).

An example of a state-of the art review article is ‘International organizations, the EU and peace among member states: Bringing organization structure in’ by Egeberg M (2024).

Research Note

Research notes are short (up to 6,000 words including all elements) and highly accessible, with a more specific aim than regular articles. For example, research notes may introduce new empirical assessments of established theoretical concepts or may concentrate on conceptual and theoretical propositions without introducing novel empirical evidence. Research notes may also offer original descriptive evidence of important trends, which challenge existing knowledge or provoke inquiries for future research.

5. Language and punctuation

Articles should be able to communicate clearly with an international audience. A basic criterion is clarity of expression, while a secondary aim is ‘elegance in style’.

We allow both UK and US spelling, as long as there is consistency within the article. More detailed information on spelling and punctuation can be found in Section 4 of Sage's style guide.

Since JPR is an international journal, authors should avoid ‘nationalistic’ language such as the use of ‘us’ for their own nation or group of nations and ‘them’ for others. We encourage gender-neutral language wherever possible.

Abbreviations should be used sparingly and explained the first time they occur. When abbreviations are used in a figure or table, they should be explained in a note or legend. Abbreviations consisting of capital letters should not contain full stops, e.g. USA, WHO, UN or NATO, and not U.S.A., W.H.O., U.N. or N.A.T.O. Authors should also avoid colloquialisms. No comma after e.g., i.e. or cf. and etc. has a full stop and is usually preceded by a comma in a list.  Section headings are not numbered and authors should refer to different sections by name, e.g. ‘In the theory section/chapter’ instead of ‘In Section 4’.

After conditional acceptance, the manuscript should be referred to as ‘article’ instead of ‘paper’, ‘manuscript’, etc. After conditional acceptance, authors must make sure that the use of personal pronouns is correct. Articles with single authors should use ‘I’, ‘my’, etc., while articles by multiple co-authors should use ‘we’, ‘our’, etc.

We prefer USA (not ‘America’) for the name of the country, and US as an adjective. We further prefer Türkiye (not ‘Turkey’) and Czechia (not ‘Czech Republic’).

6. Anonymization

In order to facilitate a blinded review process, authors must make sure that their manuscript is properly anonymized before submitting to JPR. If necessary, the editorial office will remove/black out names or links prior to sending out a manuscript for review.

  1. Remove names, affiliations, project names, acknowledgements, funding information, etc. from the manuscript. This information should be included in a separate title page.
  2. Limit the number of self-references in the manuscript to those that are relevant for reviewers. Self-references may be reinserted upon conditional acceptance.
  3. Avoid phrases like ‘as we have shown before’, ‘using our original definition’, etc.
  4. Replace your name with ‘Author’ if a reference can reveal your identity.
  5. Remove any links to private websites, data repositories etc. from the main manuscript and the (online) appendix.

7. Abstract

Abstracts should be between 200 and 300 words. A shorter abstract may suffice for very short articles (e.g. research notes). An abstract should summarize the actual content of the article, rather than merely relate what subject the article deals with. It is more important to state an interesting finding than to detail the kind of data used: instead of ‘the hypothesis was tested’, the outcome of the test should be stated. Abstracts should be written in the present tense and in the third person (‘This article deals with ...’) or passive (‘... is discussed and rejected’). Please consider carefully what terms to include in order to increase the visibility of the abstract in electronic searches. The abstract should not include footnotes or links.

8. Title and headings

‘Sentence case’ (instead of ‘Capitalizing Each Word’) should be used for the title as well as all headings, subheadings, variable names, and table and figure contents.

Sections should not be numbered. This makes it important to distinguish between levels of subheads in the manuscript by typographical means (using bold, italic, etc.).

Turning away from terrorism: Lessons from psychology, sociology, and criminology

Table 1. Factors for terrorist disengagement.

Figure 3. Predicted levels of fragmentation by factor in wartime.

9. Quotations

Use ‘single’ quotation marks for quoted words, phrases and sentences run into the text. “Double” quotation marks should be used only for ‘quotations “within” quotations’.

Longer quotations (40 words or more) should be indented without quotation marks. Ample space should be left before and after such quotations. They will be indented and appear in smaller font size in the printed article. Responsibility for the accuracy of quotations, as well as for permission to quote extensively, rests with the author.

All quotes must be referred to with page number(s), which should be separated from the year with a colon, e.g. ‘Rudolfsen, 2020: 218’ or ‘Rudolfsen, 2020: 218-219'.

If quotes have been shortened, place ‘...’ inside brackets: ‘[...]’:

Djuve and Knutsen (2024: 448) define that a ‘ “regime change from within” ‘ as  ‘a substantial change […] that is, at least in part, guided by incumbent regime elites.’

10. Notes

Notes (footnotes or endnotes) should be used only where substantive information is conveyed to the reader. JPR uses the Sage Harvard reference style, which is an in-text author-date style. Mere literature references should normally not necessitate separate notes. Notes should appear as footnotes in the final version of the manuscript (after conditional acceptance), but they may be either footnotes or endnotes in earlier versions. Notes are numbered with Arabic numerals, and they are included in the word count.

11. Models and equations

When referring to specific models, equations, figures, and tables, the first letter should be capitalized, e.g. ‘In Model 2’ or ‘Table 1 shows’ but ‘The first models included…’.

Equations should be included within the main text and numbered in sequence throughout the text, with the numbering continuing through the appendices. However, only equations that are referenced in the text are required to be numbered.

x + y = z (1)

xy = a (2)

If the equation is likely to run over one line, please indicate suitable places to ‘break’ the equation. Equations should not appear in footnotes.

In the text, equations should be referred to in this style:

‘As Equation (3) shows […]’

For further information, please consult Subsection 5.2 in the Sage style guide.

12. Tables and figures

Tables and figures should be self-explanatory as far as possible, and headings should be fairly brief. The use of abbreviations in figures or tables should be limited. Additional explanatory material, such as explanations of abbreviations or the significance levels, should be added in notes immediately below the table or figure, clearly set off from the rest of the text. Such notes should not be preceded by the word ‘Note’. JPR has no categories such as diagrams, charts, or maps, so the author should decide whether they are tables (with quantitative data or text) or figures (with graphical data).

All table and figure contents should be in ‘Sentence case’. Please aim to include full words instead of abbreviations in table and figure contents. If abbreviations are used in a figure or table, they must be defined in the caption or note even if they are also defined in the text. Decimals in tables should be consistent. The use of a maximum of three decimals is encouraged. Numbers above 1,000 should use a thousands separator. Table and figure numbers should be followed by full stop (not colon).

Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). The Table heading should be placed above the table and have no end punctuation.

Table 1. Exports of major weapon systems to the Third World, 2004.

Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). Figure headings should be placed below the figure.

Figure 1. Number of armed conflicts by type, 1946–2006.

At original submission, tables and figures should be included in the main text and should not be placed at the end of the document.

If the article is accepted for publication (i.e. after conditional acceptance), tables should be placed at the end of the document (following the reference list) and figures should be uploaded as individual, high-resolution files. A text indicator/placeholder should be inserted after the paragraph where the table is first mentioned, in the following manner:

The results are presented in Table 1 below.

[Table 1 about here]

Figure format and resolution: In the final version of the manuscript, figures must be provided in high-resolution .eps, .tif, or .jpg files. High quality is defined as a resolution of at least 350 dpi (dots per inch), with a strong recommendation of at least 600 dpi for line plots. The default setting for most computer applications is far below this (e.g. R plots are exported at 72 dpi as a default). Figures that are with too low resolution are often difficult to comprehend in print as e.g. axis labels become too blurry to read. A description of how to produce high-resolution figures in Stata and R can be found in The Political Methodologist. If the figures are too large to be uploaded to SageTrack, they can be sent as a zip-file to

Figures that are uploaded in color will be published in color online and in black and white in print (unless the author(s) pay for color print). Keep in mind that it is common for readers to print out online articles in black and white. It is therefore important that all figures are comprehensible in black and white as well, even when they appear in color in the online version of the article. This can be achieved by using contrasting colours, different symbols, dotted lines, or patterns. Captions should not refer to specific aspects of the figure by color. Text in figures such as axis labels or the legend should be large enough to remain legible (min. 8 points).

13. Statistical significance

We generally discourage the reporting of statistical significance at the 10% level. However, if you do wish to retain 10% significance levels, please provide an explanation, and use a cross (‘†’) to signify 10% statistical significance. Use asterisks (*) for the other significance levels (i.e., one for 5%; two for 1%, and three for 0.1%). Please explain thesignificance levels in the note below regression tables, and include a note if one-tailed tests are used.

14. Numbers, percentages, and dates

Numbers up to and including nine are spelled out higher and higher numbers use numerals (e.g. four, seven, nine, 10, 14, 85...) Numbers from 1,000 and above should be comma separated by the 1000s. The use of decimals in tables (and in the text) should be consistent. The use of a maximum of three decimals is encouraged. For numbers between 1 and -1, the use of zero before decimal marks should be consistent in the text, tables and figures, i.e. either ‘0.003’ or ‘.003’. The % sign is used rather than the word ‘percent’ (0.3%, 3%, 30%). Dates should be written in the following form: ‘11 June 2014’ with date ranges written as 1930-1945 and not 1930-45.

15. Variables

Variables described in the text should be italicized and written in ‘Sentence case’.

The original source must be referred to for all variables used, and coding criteria must be explained if a variable has been made by the author(s). The version number of the dataset used should also be specified.

If a journal article introducing the dataset has been published, this must be cited. If not, the creators of the dataset should be cited, and a link and access date provided (see Section 17, under the ‘Datasets/replication data’ subheading).

16. Abbreviations

Acronyms and abbreviations should be used sparingly and explained the first time they occur. Do not use full stop after abbreviations in the text nor in the reference list (e.g. US, UN, WDI and not U.S., U.N. or W.D.I.).

17. References

The Journal of Peace Research follows the SAGE Harvard Reference Style for all its publications (Note, this is not the same as the Harvard Reference Style). All conditionally accepted manuscripts will have to be formatted in line with the style guidelines. After conditional acceptance, any references to preprints or working papers should be reviewed and updated to cite a peer-reviewed version, if one has been published. References to preprints or working papers are otherwise discouraged.   JPR has adapted the SAGE Harvard guidelines to include examples from social science publications as well as added guidelines on citing other relevant types of sources such as interviews, policy briefs, UN decisions, and datasets.   Please diligently follow the guidelines below (and here) to ensure the smooth processing of your manuscript!  Available templates:  Please find below a list of available templates for commonly used reference managers. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that their reference manager has all the information required to produce a reference list in line with the Sage Harvard reference style. Authors will likely have to manually add missing access dates, page numbers etc. and correct the reference list manually before final submission where needed.   JPR is not responsible for the upkeep and accuracy of these templates.

  • Zotero
  • EndNote
  • Citavi: Select the SAGE Harvard UK style following the steps here.
  • Mendeley: Select the SAGE Harvard citation style for Word in your Mendeley Cite plugin.
  • LaTex: Sage has a general LaTex template with comprehensive guidelines, which can be downloaded here. Please remember to include your .bib files when you submit your final manuscript (after conditional acceptance). For questions, please review the FAQs and you may contact for any additional questions. You will probably need to adjust some issues in the reference list manually. An easy way to manually edit references in LaTeX is to first compile the document with the jpr.bst file. Once compiled, you will obtain a .bbl file, which contains all the references used in the article. Delete the two lines in your main .tex file that control the bibtex processing (the \bibliography and \bibliographystyle commands) and paste the entire content of the .bbl file into the .tex file. You can then manually edit the list of references that is now part of the main .tex file.

General rules:

  1. All in-text citations are formatted in the author-date format and must correspond to a citation in the reference list and vice versa. In general, footnotes are used to convey additional information to the reader and not for mere references.
  2. Only use the initials of authors first and middle names without spaces or full points e.g. Østby G, Weidmann NB, Jung H-R.
  3. Up to two authors may be listed in the in-text citations and up to three authors may be listed in the reference list. In the reference list, if a title has more than three authors, then list the first three authors followed by ‘et al.’
  4. All available data (e.g. volume, issue, and page numbers, publisher, place of publications, link and access date) must be included. When using a reference manager such as Zotero or Endnote, this information may have to be added manually.

Further details, examples of the correct references for commonly cited publications types, as well as a list of common mistakes can be found here. It is the author(s) responsibility to format their references in line with this reference guide upon conditional acceptance.

18. JPR research transparency, ethical considerations and replication data policy

The Journal of Peace Research is committed to data sharing and scientific transparency and has signed onto the Data Access and Research Transparency (DA-RT) Joint Statement.

Replication data for articles using quantitative data

Authors of articles using quantitative data are required to facilitate the replication of their empirical analysis (including the creation of tables and figures) through the posting of:

  1. The data (in the original format and preferably also in text format, e.g. csv);
  2. A file containing the exact commands used in the empirical analysis (often referred to as ‘do’, ‘batch’, ‘syntax’, or ‘run’ files), which should be clearly commented and include references to all empirical claims made;
  3. A codebook or any other relevant description of the variables and the dataset;
  4. A file containing the actual output from the statistical software used (often referred to as ‘log’ or ‘output’);
  5. JPR strongly recommends authors to also upload ‘readme’ document including a summary of all replication materials and a brief description of each of the files.

After conditional acceptance, the following replication data paragraph (or some appropriate variation) should be included in the manuscript immediately following the main text and before the list of references:

Replication data The dataset, codebook, and do-files for the empirical analysis in this article, along with the Online Appendix, are available at [the author’s own URL may be included in addition]. All analyses were conducted using [statistical program].

Research transparency documentation for qualitative data

Authors of articles using qualitative data are asked to include a description of the data collection, ethics, and analysis in the article itself, and to provide and Online appendix to provide additional documentation, such as interview guides and more details about the conditions of the data collection procedures and analysis to increase research transparency. When permissible from an ethical and legal perspective, authors are also encouraged to create an online archive of the interview transcript, oral histories, or other materials used for the research that are otherwise difficult to obtain.

Following conditional acceptance, the following research transparency paragraph (or some appropriate variation) should be included in the manuscript immediately following the main text and before the list of references:

Research transparency and data The Online Appendix, which includes additional information regarding the data collection procedures, ethical considerations, and interview documentation, is available at [and at the author’s own URL].

Following Conditional acceptance, authors must send their materials to the Editorial Office at

19. Acknowledgements and funding

Following conditional acceptance, authors are asked to include their acknowledgements and a funding statement at the end of the main text (before the reference list, but after the replication data statement). This information should be included in the final version of the manuscript only.

Acknowledgements We have profited from helpful comments provided by three anonymous referees, the editor of JPR, and our colleagues.

Funding We gratefully acknowledge support from […].

Or in cases where no specific funding has been provided for the research, the author(s) may include the following statement:

The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

20. Biographical statement

A bibliographical statement must be included after conditional acceptance. It should appear immediately after the list of references, and all co-authors should provide separate biographies.

The bibliographies should be brief and include:

  1. Full name;
  2. Year of birth (NOT MANDATORY);
  3. Highest academic degree and field of the degree (Economics, Political Science, etc.), the year this was achieved, and the institution where this was obtained;
  4. Current position and institutional affiliation, and the start year of current position;
  5. Authors may also indicate their present main research interest or recent authored or edited books as well as other institutional affiliations which have occupied a major portion of their professional lives.

Use capital initials for subjects (Economics, Political Science), degrees (Cand.Polit.), and positions (Assistant Professor), and do not use full stops in PhD, MA, MSc, etc.

MARIANNE DAHL, b. 1983, PhD in Political Science (Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences – NTNU, 2017); Senior Researcher, PRIO (2017-) and Deputy Editor, Journal of Peace Research (2017– ); research interests: nonviolence, civil war theory, post-conflict stability, political economy and statistical modeling.

KYLE C BEARDSLEY, b. 1979, PhD in Political Science (University of California, San Diego, 2006); Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Duke University (2013– ); research interests: international crisis behavior, gender and conflict, intrastate conflict, peace processes, nuclear proliferation; author of Equal Opportunity Peacekeeping (Oxford University Press, 2017, with Sabrina Karim) and The Mediation Dilemma (Cornell University Press, 2011).

21. Online Appendices

Please refer to your appendices for posting on JPR’s replication page as “Online Appendix” or “Online Appendices”

These may be used to include important information that would unduly break up the information in the main text.

JPR operates with two kinds of appendices:

  1. Appendices that are included in the printed article and that are part of the word count. These are placed after the list of references and are referred to as ‘the Appendix’ in the text, or if there are several: ‘Appendix 1’, ‘Appendix 2’, etc. You may choose to use letters instead: ‘Appendix A’…
  2. Online Appendices that are posted on JPR’s replication data page and that are not part of the world count. These are referred to as ‘the Online Appendix’ in the text, or if there are several: ‘Online Appendix 1’, ‘Online Appendix 2’, etc. You may choose to use letters instead: ‘Online Appendix A’…

When submitting to JPR, authors must indicate clearly if an appendix is a regular appendix or an online appendix. Furthermore, we ask that tables and figures in appendices are prefixed (i.e. A1, A2, etc.).

Both regular and Online appendices are normally sent out for peer review together with the manuscript. Exceptions can be made for very extensive appendices (e.g. over 25 pages).

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