Carsten Wieland

Carsten Wieland

Senior Associate

Dr. Phil. Carsten Wieland is a German diplomat, former senior UN consultant, Middle East, and conflict expert with high-ranking mediation experience.

From 2014 till 2019, he served with three UN Special Envoys for Syria as Senior Expert for Intra-Syrian Talks and senior political advisor. Wieland also worked in the Syria team of the Foreign Office in Berlin and as director of the German Information Center for the Arab World in Cairo. Currently, he works as a Senior Policy Adviser for the Middle East in the Green Party Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag.

Wieland has published articles and books on Syria, nationalism, ethnic conflicts in the Balkans and in South Asia, on Islamism and secularism. His latest book "Syria and the Neutrality Trap: The Dilemmas of Delivering Humanitarian Aid through Violent Regimes" was published in July 2021.

Wieland also teaches conflict and conflict resolution at New York University (NYU) Berlin campus and is an Associate Fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP). In 2006 he was a fellow at the Public Policy Institute at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Wieland was also guest professor at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá after having worked as the country representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Colombia between 2006 and 2008.

Wieland studied history, political science and philosophy at Humboldt University in Berlin, Duke University in North Carolina and at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. He lived in Damascus 2003-2004 where he also learned Arabic.

Work positions
Senior AssociatePRIO Cyprus CentrePeace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Associate Fellow Geneva Centre for Security Policy
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