I mainly research the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, in particular on the various diplomatic endeavours ranging from the late 1940s up until today. I have researched and published on various phases in this history.
I mainly research the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, in particular on the various diplomatic endeavours ranging from the late 1940s up until today. I have researched and published on various phases in this history.
My book Arab-Israeli Diplomacy under Carter: The U.S., Israel and the Palestinians was published by I.B. Tauris in 2018.
I mainly research the Arab-Israeli conflict with a focus on the various diplomatic endeavours ranging from the late 1940s up until today. A central focus of my research is the lack of Palestinian inclusion in these international approaches to the conflict.
I have researched and published on various phases in this history, including:
The Cairo Review of Global Affairs
Journal article in Babylon - Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier
MidEast Policy Brief
Popular article in Panorama
Popular article in Aftenposten
Journal article in Internasjonal Politikk
Popular article in Panorama Nyheter
Popular article in Aftenposten
New report outlines the on-the-ground consequences of Israel’s ban on UNRWA which comes into effect next week.
Journalists are invited to a seminar on UNRWA under attack – saving the UN’s Palestine refugee agency, with its Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini.
Arendalsuka is an annual Norwegian political festival that brings together politicians, journalists, policy makers, aid organisations, civil society and the private sector.
On 29-31 May, the GPS Centre, in collaboration with the NORHED II project, hosted doctoral candidates from all over the world at the PhD-level course "Gender, Peace and Conflict".
PRIO invites applications for this course on Ethics in Humanitarian Negotiation and Mediation which will be taught online 23-27 September 2024. The application deadline is 15 June.
PRIO invites applications for this course on Gender, Peace and Conflict which will be taught in person in Oslo in May 2024. The application deadline is 15 March.
In 1993, secret negotiations took place in Oslo, Norway, aiming to start a process to resolve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Thirty years later, PRIO researchers are still researching the Oslo Agreement and its implications.
A new podcast series on ethics in peace negotiations is now available on Spotify.
Arendalsuka is an annual Norwegian political festival that brings together politicians, journalists, policy makers, aid organisations, civil society and the private sector.
The PRIO Research School on Peace and Conflict, in collaboration with the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, hosted doctoral candidates at the PhD-level course.
PRIO researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed about two Israeli laws to prohibit the work of UNRWA, by the Turkish news agency Anadolu Agency.
PRIO researchers Kristian Berg Harpviken and Jørgen Jensehaugen were both interviewed on the consequences of stepping back from war for Israel and Russia’s leaders, in a longform piece by Norway's broadcaster, NRK.
PRIO researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was also interviewed on the conflict in Palestine by the Norwegian broadcaster NRK here and here, and by Aftenposten newspaper.
PRIO researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed on the crisis facing UNRWA by Ireland’s state broadcaster RTE, Sky News UK, France 24, Australia’s ABC radio, The New Arab, Portuguese news wire LUCA, Japan’s NHK, The National, Swedish Radio, Al Arabya TV and Spain’s El Periodico de España.
PRIO researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed on the Israel-Palestine crisis, including by the Norwegian outlets Aftenposten, Vårt Land here and here, Dagsavisen, VG, Bergens Tidende and Fagbladet. The Fagbladet article was republished by Document. Jørgen also appeared on TV2 on the same topic.
PRIO Researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was also interviewed on the Israel-Palestine crisis, including by the Norwegian broadcaster, NRK, and newspapers VG and Bergens Tidende.
PRIO Researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed by several media outlets about the Israel-Palestine crisis, including NRK and Denmark’s TV2.
NRK TV came to film PRIO’s Oslo Peace Days event, ‘The Oslo Peace Process and its Aftermath,’ interviewing Hilde Waage Henriksen and Jørgen Jensehaugen who were on the panel for the event (watch at 15:10).
PRIO researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed by multiple media outlets about the Israel-Palestine crisis including BBC World TV News. In Norway, he was interviewed by newspapers VG, Dagsavisen, Dagbladet, Bergens Tidende and Vårt Land, NRK radio (listen at 35 mins) several times, NRK Urix TV, NRK TV’s Nyhetskanalen, NRK Supernytt children’s news (listen at 3 mins 50 sec), the magazine Tendens, news wire NTB, Dagbladet, Denmark’s TV2, Denmark’s Midtjyllands Avis.
Jørgen wrote two opinion pieces for Panorama magazine - one article on Lebanon’s impending disasters and the other on the potential of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) collapsing.
PRIO researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed by several media outlets about the Israel-Palestine crisis, including the Spanish outlet, Eldiario, and by Norwegian outlets NRK, Nettavisen and Nipponese.
Researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed by multiple media outlets about the Israel-Palestine crisis, including NRK’s Debatten (listen at 31 mins), NRK’s Agenda, NRK website, NRK Nyheter TV (listen at 1 hour 41 mins), Norway’s Dagbladet newspaper here and here, Klassekampen newspaper here and here, Sol, and Denmark’s Ekstra Baldet newspaper.
PROI Researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was mentioned in multiple outlets on conflict between Israel and Palestine, including by the Spanish news outlet El Tambor and by the Norwegian newspaper, Aftenposten.
PRIO Researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed by multiple media outlets on the 30-year anniversary of the Oslo Peace Accords. This included the Norwegian news wire, NTB, Aftenposten newspaper, NRK radio (listen at 1 hr 44 mins) and the Spanish news outlet El Diario. He was also mentioned in another Dagsavisen and NRK article.
Jørgen also wrote an opinion piece on the Palestine refugee crisis that ran in the Norwegian aid magazine, Panorama.
PRIO Researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen wrote an opinion piece on the failure of the two state solution and inability of the Norwegian government to find an alternative road to peace between Israel and Palestine, which was published by the Norwegian newspaper, Dagsavisen.
PRIO Researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed about Israel turning 75 years, by the Norwegian state broadcaster, NRK radio.
PRIO Researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed about Israel’s political crisis by the Norwegian newspaper, Vårt Land.
PRIO Researchers Hilde Henriksen Waage and Jørgen Jensehaugen were interviewed on the possibility of the two-state solution to resolve the Palestine-Israel conflict, by Norway’s TV2.
PRIO Researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was interviewed about the new Israeli Government and the country’s shift to the right, by multiple Norwegian media outlets, including Aftenposten, Dagsavisen, Dagsavisen (separate interview) Vårtland and the podcast, Podtail. He was also interviewed on increasing tensions between Palestine and Israel by the Norwegian state broadcaster, NRK.
PRIO Researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen was quoted in an article about Norway’s Prime Minister congratulating the new Israeli Prime Minister on his appointment, in Norwegian newspaper, Vårtland.
PRIO started listing media appearances on profiles in 2023. Earlier media appearances may not be listed.