The amount of humanitarian aid allocated to education doubled between 2015 and 2018 and Norway has reached the global goal of allocating 4% of their humanitarian aid to the sector.
Can governments reduce violent crime by increasing education, and if so, under what conditions?Mauricio Rivera has received FINNUT funding from the Research Council of Norway for the 4-year project The Crime-Reducing Effect of Education: Disaggregating Education and Impact on Violent Crime (CREED).
Congratulations to the team that has secured NORGLOBAL funding from the Research Council of Norway for the 3-year project Green Curses and Violent Conflicts: The Security Implications of Renewable Energy Sector Development in Africa.
Scott Gates is taking over from Gudrun Østby as Editor of the Journal of Peace Research.
PRIO's Journal of Peace Research is in the top quartile of International Relations and Political Science citation ranking.
Clarivate has just announced their 'Journal citation report', containing the most influential ranking of academic journals.
Save the children today published the War on Children report, which shows that the number of children living in conflict zones have increased by 75% in the last 20 years.
Gudrun Østby is the new Editor of the Journal of Peace Research, while Marianne Dahl is the new Deputy Editor.
Several new PRIO projects have received funding from the Research Council of Norway's FRIHUMSAM funding program.
Coming out of a two year project on Power-sharing in Africa for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CSCW has produced 6 extensive reports and 8 policy briefs on the subject this fall.
PRIO researchers are participating with comments and film seminars at several of this year's screenings at the Films from the South Festival in Oslo.
The project will examine the relationships between education systems, peace and armed conflict based on fieldwork in Guatemala, Liberia and Nepal.
The first group of students have started the new master programme in International Studies organized by Stellenbosch University, PRIO and Bjørknes College.