On 4 March, PRIO hosted a roundtable on Chinese perspectives on global issues during the official visit of a Chinese delegation led by Vice Minister LU Kang (IDCPC). Scholars in Oslo joined to discuss China-Norway relations, geopolitics, and multilateralism.
Stefan Löfven, former Prime Minister of Sweden, and Knut Storberget, former Norwegian Minister of Justice, gave the key introductions at the PRIO-hosted event on Nordic security.
Arendalsuka is an annual Norwegian political festival that brings together politicians, journalists, policy makers, aid organisations, civil society and the private sector.
PRIO was awarded new funding this week by the Research Council of Norway for a 3-year project, Russian Approaches to Peace Processes.
Arendalsuka concluded on Friday and PRIO Director Henrik Urdal sums up PRIO's contributions.
PRIO participated at this year's Arendalsuka with three events, and with our researchers on several debate panels.
The new open accessbook Livesin Peace Research: The Oslo Stories explains how PRIO, the world'soldest independent peace research institute, was founded and how it survivedthrough crises.
The most relevant PRIO researchers to comment on aspects relevant to the Russia-Ukraine War are listed here.
In an article for UIK Panorama, Research Professor Pavel Baev writes about the inherent weaknesses in Russia's capacity to pursue an ambitious foreign policy, which are getting exposed in the wake Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan.
In a MidEast Policy Brief, Research Professor Pavel Baev writes about the future of UN humanitarian aid to Syria, following the UN Security Council adoption of Resolution 2585 on 9 July 2021.
The UN Security Council is to decide on cross-border humanitarian aid to Syria by July 10.
In a series of brief blog posts, researchers of the PRIO Middle East Centre offer their reflections on the unfolding Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
Research Professor Pavel Baev argues that the sequence of proactive moves in the Middle East by the new US administration simultaneously gladdens and alarms the Kremlin.
PRIO has now joined the European Network of non-proliferation and disarmament think tanks, established by the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium.
In two recent articles, Pavel K.
How does a country’s security apparatus react to a protest movement?And what happens in the aftermath of successful protests?PRIO has long been at the forefront of research on protest movements.
From 1 September, Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert will take over as Research Director for the Dimensions of Security department.
The attention surrounding the PRIO Director's annual speculations on who might be selected for the Nobel Peace Prize are at a peak now, with the outcome being announced by the Nobel Committee tomorrow.
Russia connects with Turkey seeking opportunities in the Middle East
The tragic battles around Donetsk and Luhansk (collectively known as the Donbas region) have taken a pause, and as civilians try to rebuild a semblance of normal life, leaders are figuring out how to now move forward.
PRIO researchers Marianne Dahl and Pavel Baev have both published on the Ukraine during the current crisis.
Application Deadline: 24 February 2014
New PRIO Policy Brief
Pavel K.
Checking our assumptions and making new ones
We did not have a proper debate on this conflict, but simply gathered answers to a few basic questions, and the collective wisdom is summarized as following.
Moscow Times - the top English-language newspaper in Moscow - called me for a comment on the arrival of Michael McFaul as the new US Ambassador to Russia, and the result is here (http://www.
The VoA called me for a comment on the escalation of tensions around Iran, and the result is here (http://www.
Voice of America has caught me unprepared with questions about the Russian line in the conflict around Syria, and a Russian business-oriented Internet/radio journal BFM.
Thomas Grove from the Reuters Moscow bureau called me for a comment on the rising nationalism in Russia, a subject I am not that familiar and rather uncomfaitable with, and the result is here (http://www.