On 4 March, PRIO hosted a roundtable on Chinese perspectives on global issues during the official visit of a Chinese delegation led by Vice Minister LU Kang (IDCPC). Scholars in Oslo joined to discuss China-Norway relations, geopolitics, and multilateralism.
Arendalsuka is an annual Norwegian political festival that brings together politicians, journalists, policy makers, aid organisations, civil society and the private sector.
A report released today by the Peace Research Institute Oslo finds that at least 6,000 civilians were killed in the first 20 months following Myanmar's military coup in 2021.
The PRIO Archive (about 1500 physical boxes) is now deposited at the National Archives of Norway.
Arendalsuka concluded on Friday and PRIO Director Henrik Urdal sums up PRIO's contributions.
PRIO participated at this year's Arendalsuka with three events, and with our researchers on several debate panels.
The new open accessbook Livesin Peace Research: The Oslo Stories explains how PRIO, the world'soldest independent peace research institute, was founded and how it survivedthrough crises.
The most relevant PRIO researchers to comment on aspects relevant to the Russia-Ukraine War are listed here.
For 40 years from 1971 to 2011, Anne Cecilie Kjelling and the Library of the Norwegian Nobel Institute were as one.
The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and the Myanmar Institute for Peace and Security (MIPS) invite submissions of abstracts for papers to be presented at the Social Media in Armed Conflict conference, to be held on 25-26 November 2020.
The United Nations Association of China (UNA-China) delegation visited PRIO on Friday, April 26.
The Norwegian Research Council’s program NORGLOBAL2 held its kick-off meeting for newly funded research projects at NORAD, on 25 April 2019, with participants from the MFA, NORAD, RCN, and researchers involved in the projects.
I juni ble årets konfliktdata fra Uppsala universitet lansert i Journal of Peace Research.
Stein Tønnesson, Research Professor at PRIO and former Director of the Institute (2001–09) became a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi) at its annual meeting last night.
Tønnesson's Explaining the East Asian Peace reviewed in Contemporary Southeast Asia
From early 2018, Julie Marie Hansen will start a three-year doctoral research project studying the gendered impacts of social media on armed conflict and peacebuilding in Myanmar.
The announcement of the NORGLOBAL funds from the Research Council of Norway has been published, and PRIO is very happy to see three important projects receiving funding:Refugee Education: Building Durable Futures (REBuilD) - led by Cindy HorstThe Impact of Security Force Assistance on State Fragility - led by Øystein H.
PRIO has since 2011 collaborated with Uppsala University on a major research program on the East Asian Peace, led by PRIO Research Professor Stein Tønnesson.
The attention surrounding the PRIO Director's annual speculations on who might be selected for the Nobel Peace Prize are at a peak now, with the outcome being announced by the Nobel Committee tomorrow.
The Ukraine Crisis has made Russia more dependent on China.
New Blog Post
Documentary Film Festival in Oslo from 4-9 February 2014
In a new policy brief from PRIO, Political Parties and Peacebuilding in Myanmar (PRIO Policy Brief 5/2013), Marte Nilsen and Stein Tønnesson examine the role of Myanmar’s political parties and ask: How well are they equipped for the task of building peace? Are the ethnic-minority parties ready to take the lead role in promoting the interests of their constituencies? Will this cause armed groups to fade into the background? As previously marginalized opposition parties are playing an increasi ...
The International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) has awarded Stein Tønnesson's book Vietnam 1946: How the War Began (University of California Press, 2009) the 2011 Book Prize for humanities.
Forum for Peacebuilding Ethics (PeacE) has been launched with two successful events – In New York, 19 February, at the UN Millennium Plaza Hotel, and in Oslo, 18 March at PRIO.
Kristian Berg Harpviken (47) is appointed new Director at PRIO, the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo.
PRIO Director Stein Tønnesson talked about peace trends on NRK P2's 'Morgenkåseri' radio programme, 2 January 2009.
Stein Tønnesson takes part, during 12-14 November 2008, in the conference Asian Creativity in Culture and Technology in Trondheim.
...Martti Ahtisaari "for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts"
PRIO is situated in the same city as the Nobel Institute, but has no formal links to it.