Public International law; Law of the Sea; Foreign Policy Analysis; International Organizations; Energy Geopolitics; Eastern Mediterranean; Cyprus; Greece; Turkey.
Public International law; Law of the Sea; Foreign Policy Analysis; International Organizations; Energy Geopolitics; Eastern Mediterranean; Cyprus; Greece; Turkey.
Professor of International Law and International Relations.
Before joining PRIO he was with Istanbul Bilgi University, where he has been the Director of the M.A. in International Relations Program and the Director of the Turkish-Greek Studies Division. In Istanbul he was also Adjunct Professor of International Law at Koc University.
Educated at the London School of Economics and the Panteion University of Athens, he has held positions at the University of Cambridge and the Institute of International Relations, Athens.
His teaching, research and policy interests lie primarily in the fields of public international law, the law of the sea, foreign policy, energy geopolitics, the Eastern Mediterranean, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey, and has published extensively in these areas.
Some of his recent publications in his current area of engagement include:
Gurel, A., Tzimitras, H. and Faustmann, H. (ed.) East Mediterranean Hydrocarbons: Geopolitical Perspectives, Markets and Export Routes, and Regional Cooperation. Oslo-Nicosia: Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Cyprus Centre, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Brookings Institution, PCC Report 3/2014.
Gurel, A. and Tzimitras, H. "Gas Can Become the New Lost Opportunity" in Kerr Lindsay, J. (ed.) Resolving Cyprus: New Approaches to Conflict Resolution. London: I.B. Tauris, 2014.
Gurel, A., Kahveci, H. and Tzimitras, H. "How to build confidence over energy issues in the context of a Cyprus settlement" in Andoura, S. and Koranyi. D. (eds.), Energy in the Eastern Mediterranean – Promise or Peril? Joint Report by the Egmont Institute and the Atlantic Council. Gent: Academia Press, 2014.
Gurel, A., Mullen, F. and Tzimitras, H. The Cyprus Hydrocarbons Issue: Context, Positions and Future Scenarios. Oslo-Nicosia: Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Cyprus Centre, PCC Report 1/2013.
Tzimitras, H.Z. 'The Legal Implications of Gas Resources in the Eastern Mediterranean: International Law Perspective's in Nathanson, R. and Levy, Ro'ee (ed.) Natural Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean – Casus Belli or Chance for Regional Cooperation? Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2012.
Tzimitras, H.Z. "The prospects for Exploration and Exploitation of Oil and Gas in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean: Some Observations" in Faustman, H. and Gurel, A. Cyprus Offshore Hydrocarbons: Regional Politics and Wealth Distribution. Oslo-Nicosia: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Peace Rerearch Institute Oslo (PRIO) Cyprus Centre, PCC Report 1/2012.
KAS Multinational Development Policy Dialogue (MDPD) Brussels
Book chapter in IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2023 - Strategic Sectors | Security & Politics
Popular article in To Vima
PRIO Policy Brief
PRIO Policy Brief
Popular article in Petroleum Economist
Book chapter in OSCE Yearbook 2017: Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
Book chapter in The Political and Economic Challenges of Energy in the Middle East and North Africa
Turkey Project Policy Paper
Book chapter in Energy in the Eastern Mediterranean: Promise or Peril?
The project '(Re)uniting the East and West: Reflections on the 2004 EU enlargement' is focused on the commemoration of the 2004 “big bang” EU enlargement at the occasion of its 20th anniversary in May 2024.
The Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and the Middle East is a joint initiative of IBEI, Blanquerna, DIPLOCAT and IEMED.
“There’s no doubt that, just as in the 1990s, both countries were united this year by bonds of common suffering, allowing the governments to move ahead with rapprochement and providing the legitimacy for it to be accepted,”
Vital issues of security and stability in the Mediterranean continue to dominate the regional and international agendas.
“Perhaps rather than a measure of immediate relief, it could be an initiative well worth considering for the day after the end of the war and during the phase of reconstruction,”
This Commentary is based on an initiative launched by IAI. The main goal is to propose a common and coordinated approach within the EuroMediterranean area in terms of energy transition.
A new podcast series on ethics in peace negotiations is now available on Spotify.
"The unfortunate dual calamities hitting Turkey and Greece in the first half of 2023 in the forms of a devastating earthquake and horrendous train crash respectively, revived memories of the summer of 1999, when two major destructive earthquakes hit Istanbul and Athens.
The PRIO project “On Fair Terms: The Ethics of Peace Negotiations and Mediation” (FAIR) organized a workshop in Cyprus in partnership with the PRIO Cyprus Centre, PRIO Middle East Centre, and the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security, 19-21 October.
“Energy could be a good platform for reconciliation in politically laden regions, like Cyprus and beyond, but unfortunately, it has become yet another chapter in the book of the conflict.
PCC Director Harry Tzimitras, in the February Financial Review V.1047 in Greek, argues that energy, and especially new energy sources, could be an area of potential cooperation between Turkey and Greece. A cooperation that could unlock significant profit opportunities for both sides, pave the way for cooperation on other issues, and promote broader regional cooperation and stability.
Harry Tzimitras was interviewed in the Deutsche Welle where he stresses the need for realism regarding potential offshore energy resources exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Harry Tzimitras was interviewed about the importance of the Great Sea Interconnector for Cyprus, by the French financial newspaper, Les Echos.
PRIO Cyprus Centre Director, Harry Tzimitras was interviewed about energy cooperation in the Mediterranean in the new Building Bridges podcast, by the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Brussels. Listen to the first episode entitled Reimagining Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region.
PRIO Cyprus Centre Director Harry Tzimitras was interviewed by Reuters news agency for an article about new electrical cable connecting Europe and the Middle East.
Aid ship to leave Cyprus for Gaza within 24 hours, Christodoulides says
“This idea of the sea corridor has been brewing for months,” said Harry Tzimitras, director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo Cyprus Center. “We had announcements before that the corridor is beginning, so we have to be always careful in this part of the world, until something actually starts.” But “the U.S. construction is a serious step bringing in a coordinated action which was long overdue, but now at least is happening,” he added. Read article
PRIO Cyprus Centre Director, Harry Tzimitras, was interviewed on Cyprus, Greece and Turkey for the German newspaper, Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung. Harry was also interviewed in an article about the Cyprus plan for delivering seaborne aid to Gaza, for Politico.
PRIO Cyprus Centre Director Harry Tzimitras was interviewed on the presidential election in Cyprus by the Greek newspaper, Ta Nea.
PRIO Cyprus Centre Director Harry Tzimitras was quoted in a story on the presidential election in Cyprus, in the newspaper, Ouest-France.
PRIO started listing media appearances on profiles in 2023. Earlier media appearances may not be listed.