On 4 March, PRIO hosted a roundtable on Chinese perspectives on global issues during the official visit of a Chinese delegation led by Vice Minister LU Kang (IDCPC). Scholars in Oslo joined to discuss China-Norway relations, geopolitics, and multilateralism.
PRIO has successfully secured funding for four new projects to support research addressing today’s critical societal challenges, including two focused on Norwegian security and defence.
Several PRIO researchers will partake in the upcoming Oslo Freedom Forum which takes place from 3 to 5 June.
In September 2023, the PRIO NORM team was in Manila, The Philippines, to conduct fieldwork interviews and meetings with local stakeholders.
The AsiaPeace project was successfully launched in August 2023.
In May 2023, the PRIO NORM team headed to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to conduct fieldwork interviews and meetings with local actors.
Senior Researcher Ilaria Carrozza discussed Chinese foreign policy at the Norwegian Foreign Policy Conference 2023 on March 21.
PRIO has received funding from the Research Council of Norway for the 3-year project Developmental Peace? Local Perceptions of China’s Engagement in Pakistan and Afghanistan (AsiaPeace).
Arendalsuka concluded on Friday and PRIO Director Henrik Urdal sums up PRIO's contributions.
PRIO participated at this year's Arendalsuka with three events, and with our researchers on several debate panels.
The NORM project ('Shaping the Digital World Order: Norms and Agency along the Digital Silk Road in Southeast Asia') was officially launched with a kick-off meeting on 4 May.
The most relevant PRIO researchers to comment on aspects relevant to the Russia-Ukraine War are listed here.
We are proud to announce that PRIO researchers Bruno Oliveira Martins and Ilaria Carrozza are joining a new UN network as expert members.
PRIO invites applications for a three-year, full-time position as Doctoral Researcher within the project Shaping the Digital World Order: Norms and Agency along the Digital Silk Road in Southeast Asia (NORM).
Today we got the news that five PRIO-led projects have succeeded in the most competitive calls for funding from the Research Council of Norway.
The NORM project aims at finding out how China’s Digital Silk Road shapes the digital world order and its norms, and the agency that recipient developing countries exercise in response.
What is disruptive innovation and in which ways does it impact security and defence? How should the Total Defence concept be adapted to better capture the challenges of today's tech-based societies? How are civil-military relations challenged by the growing importance of dual-use technologies in both security & defence and the society at large?
PRIO has now joined the European Network of non-proliferation and disarmament think tanks, established by the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium.
The Sahel region is increasingly affected by transnational security threats which spill across national borders, such as insurgency, terror attacks, uncontrolled migration and illicit trafficking in commodities.