In 1993, secret negotiations took place in Oslo, Norway, aiming to start a process to resolve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Thirty years later, PRIO researchers are still researching the Oslo Agreement and its implications.
This year Israel celebrates 75 years since it was established.
Ine Eriksen Søreide’s tenure as Norway’s Foreign Minister between 2017 and 2021 was reviewed by PRIO researchers Torunn L.
A CMI report co-authored by PRIO researcher Jørgen Jensehaugen takes stock of the UNRWA, its role and way forward in context of a funding crisis.
Today, for the fifth time in just over three years, Israelis are holding an election.
Før måtte de skjule at de var jøder i arabiske land.
NEW Occasional Paper Series
Jørgen Jensehaugen has just published the book En kort introduksjon til Israel - Palestina-konflikten.
This new case brief by Jørgen Jensehaugen examines the dilemma of inclusion/exclusion, which is one of many central problems in Arab–Israeli peacemaking, by using three instances of international mediated involvement in the conflict to highlight how mediation gatekeeping has served to exclude Palestinians, either as a people, as a political unit, or as a spoiler group.
In a MidEast Policy Brief, Research Professor Pavel Baev writes about the future of UN humanitarian aid to Syria, following the UN Security Council adoption of Resolution 2585 on 9 July 2021.
This year, four master's students at the UiO-PRIO Student Programme have successfully defended their master's theses on topics related to the Middle East.
Recent discovery of hydrocarbon has exacerbated existing geopolitical tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean.
On 9-10 September 2021, around 20 researchers met for a hybrid online-offline workshop to share their research on specific cases of ethical issues in peace negotiations and mediation.
Bjørn Schirmer-Nilsen has successfully defended his thesis "Successful Failure: The Intifada and the Shultz Initiative of 1988".
In a series of brief blog posts, researchers of the PRIO Middle East Centre offer their reflections on the unfolding Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
In a recent article entitled "Energy and Sovereignty in the new Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean" published in the Oxford Energy Forum, PRIO Cyprus Centre researcher Zenonas Tziarras asks how much of the recent crises can really be attributed to hydrocarbons, given other underlying issues and a history of regional tensions.
In May, a new PRIO Middle East Centre project started.
Welcome remarks: Kyriacos Pierides Discussants: Charalambos Ellinas, Antonis Patsalis and Harry Tzimitras
During the International Seminar-Book Presentation: The Future of Natural Gas: Market and Geopolitics, organised by The International Affairs Institute (IAI) and the OCP Policy Center, Rabat 27.
New Blog Post by Trond Bakkevig
Journal article in Babylon - Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier
Popular article in Panorama
Popular article in Aftenposten
Journal article in Internasjonal Politikk
MidEast Policy Brief
Book chapter in IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2023 - Strategic Sectors | Security & Politics
Popular article in Bergens Tidende
Popular article in Dagsavisen
Journal article in Journal of Palestine Studies
Journal article in Internasjonal Politikk
MidEast Policy Brief
Journal article in Internasjonal Politikk
Journal article in Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
Book review in Journal of Military History
CMI Report
FAIR Case Brief
Master thesis
Dibattito: Il Mediterraneo allargato, una regione in transizione: conflitti, sfide, prospettive
Occasional Paper Series