In September 2023, the PRIO NORM team was in Manila, The Philippines, to conduct fieldwork interviews and meetings with local stakeholders.
Vera Lind has successfully defended her MA thesis at the University of Oslo.
In a recent episode of the PRIO Peace in a pod, Marta Bivand Erdal and Lubomiła Korzeniewska share insight from their research with nurse migrants in Norway.
The Jacek Kugler Political Demography and Geography Student Paper Award is awarded to the best paper with a political demography and geography themes presented at the ISA Annual Convention.
PRIO is pleased to announce a seminar with Jose Maria Sison of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).
Journal article in International Migration Review
ISEAS Perspective
PRIO Paper
Book chapter in Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism Complex Trajectories, Practices and Ties (IMISCOE Research Series)
Journal article in International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice
GPS Policy Brief
PRIO Paper
PRIO Policy Brief
PRIO Paper
PRIO Paper
Conflict Trends
Journal article in Migration Studies
Journal article in Development Policy Review
PRIO Paper
Book chapter in Sense and sensibility – Addressing the South China Sea disputes
PRIO Report
Book review in Internasjonal Politikk