Stated Ipek Borman PCC research consultant at a panel organized on the occasion of International Day of Peace
Ipek Borman from PCC appeared on Ulaş Barış's Agenda programme on Kıbrıs Postası TV to discuss the latest developments in the Cyprus problem:
The CWBC conducted a working visit to Belfast and Dublin on 1-5 September 2024.
In March 2024, Bülent Dizdarlı, a respected Turkish Cypriot doctor and former head of the medical association, speculated on his Facebook page that the population of the unrecognised Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) had reached two million.
The Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and the Middle East is a joint initiative of IBEI, Blanquerna, DIPLOCAT and IEMED.
“There’s no doubt that, just as in the 1990s, both countries were united this year by bonds of common suffering, allowing the governments to move ahead with rapprochement and providing the legitimacy for it to be accepted,”
The pursuit of water security, fair distribution of water resources, and avoidance of conflicts related to their use and management are crucially linked to the development of a strong water governance framework.
Water is essential for life, and our reliance on it shapes every aspect of our existence. Countries in the Eastern Mediterranean are grappling with numerous water-related issues.
But Mete Hatay, a Cyprus-born senior research consultant with Peace Research Institute Oslo who has long studied the conflict, says indications are that the countries will not discuss Cyprus even as they intend to "move further with their bilateral relations."
Jointly published with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Cyprus the paper discusses the significance of interconnector projects in the Eastern Mediterranean.
"The unfortunate dual calamities hitting Turkey and Greece in the first half of 2023 in the forms of a devastating earthquake and horrendous train crash respectively, revived memories of the summer of 1999, when two major destructive earthquakes hit Istanbul and Athens.
Cyprus at the heart of a regional energy market. What would it take?
“Energy could be a good platform for reconciliation in politically laden regions, like Cyprus and beyond, but unfortunately, it has become yet another chapter in the book of the conflict.
Last night, PRIO Cyprus Centre Senior Research Consultant Mete Hatay received the Necati Özkan Award by the Necati Özkan Foundation for best researcher of the last three years.
Edited by Zenonas Tziarras
NEW Occasional Paper Series
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Occasional Paper Series
Occasional Paper Series
PRIO Cyprus Centre Policy Brief
PRIO Cyprus Centre Report
Popular article in To Vima
PRIO Cyprus Centre Policy Brief
FES and PCC Briefing
PRIO Cyprus Centre Report
Edited volume
Book chapter in Yearbook of Muslims in Europe
PRIO Cyprus Centre Policy Brief
PRIO Cyprus Centre Report
Popular article in Havadis Newspaper
PRIO Cyprus Centre Policy Brief
Re-imagining the Eastern Mediterranean Series: PCC Report
Book chapter in The Foreign Policy of the Republic of Cyprus: Local, Regional and International Dimensions
Book chapter in The Foreign Policy of the Republic of Cyprus: Local, Regional and International Dimensions